
Sunnyside ES
Jan 11, 2019
And Then There were None.
We shipped the last two remaining pups, Chowder & Candy, from our Jazz / Monty Nov 2018 litter to their new homes today at 10 weeks of...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 2, 2019
Jazz x Monty Pups Week 9
As of today, three of our English Shepherd pups have gone to their new homes. Two are awaiting shipping, and one gorgeous boy, Chowder,...

Sunnyside ES
Dec 24, 2018
Duck, Duck, Snow...
Jazz x Monty English Shepherd pups week 7. Monday it warmed up to -1*C, so I took the pups outside briefly for the first time in their...

Sunnyside ES
Dec 14, 2018
Jazz / Monty Pups Week 6
Our Jazz x Monty pups turned 6 weeks old yesterday. They are at such a fun stage! I completely revamped the puppy area this week to...

Sunnyside ES
Dec 7, 2018
Results arrived WAY quicker than I was originally told they would. This means all the pups are purebred, registerable English Shepherds :)

Sunnyside ES
Dec 7, 2018
Jazz Pups Week 5
Pups are eating mush regularly now. Mama Jazz is spending less and less time with them, and enjoying more freedom outside. Very thankful...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 30, 2018
Jazz Pups Week 4
Lots of changes this week. Pups' teeth fully erupted, noticeably pointed; Mama Jazz objected & has started to wean them. (For those who...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 23, 2018
Jazz Pups Week 3
Jazzy pups are 3 weeks old today :) They are becoming more active and starting to play a bit with one another. I snapped the above pic,...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 15, 2018
Jazz Pups Week 2
Jazzy pups are 2 weeks old today :) This devoted Mama is starting to sometimes nurse the pups while in a sitting position. We ordered...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 9, 2018
Well... so much has happened since I wrote last! I need to write updates on Laddie & Opal yet, but it will have to wait until life...

Sunnyside ES
May 26, 2018
Monty x Jazz Pups Weeks 7-11
The past few weeks have been crazy with kidding, socialization, temperament tests, trip to vet for wellness check & vaccinations, a...

Sunnyside ES
May 2, 2018
Monty x Jazz Pups Week 6
We did "6 wk" training videos on Saturday instead of Monday because we were heading into what's likely to be a busy kidding week and I...

Sunnyside ES
Apr 25, 2018
Monty x Jazz Pups Week 5
Silver ^^ We were a bit delayed posting this week due to internet issues. Thankfully, we were able to work things out with our helpful...

Sunnyside ES
Apr 16, 2018
Monty x Jazz Pups Week 4
Jazz has started prepping the pups for weaning this week, standing for feedings, and spending longer periods of time away from the nest,...

Sunnyside ES
Apr 10, 2018
Monty x Jazz Pups Week 3
At three weeks of age, the pups are starting to desire to use a potty area (see picture and explanation below), so I revamped their space...

Sunnyside ES
Apr 2, 2018
Monty x Jazz Pups Week 2
Our lovely litter is 2 weeks old today, and their beautiful mama turned 4 years old as well :) Pups' eyes opened this past week. Blue...

Sunnyside ES
Mar 26, 2018
Monty x Jazz Pups Week 1
This past week has flown by! Our beautiful pups are growing by leaps and bounds. We've got one big girl that is averaging 100 grams gain...

Sunnyside ES
Mar 22, 2018
Introducing Monty & Jazz Puppies!
Ten pups were born Mar 19, 2018 with 8 surviving. Five boys & 3 girls, all tri-colors with the possibility of some being saddleback sable...