BLUE I just got off the phone with Blue's new owners. I'm delighted to report that they love him, and say, "I don't know how he could be a better fit." :)
Yesterday was a VERY long day for him. We were up at 4 am to go catch the plane. And he didn't arrive in Montreal until almost 11 pm, then had a long drive back to the East coast. While he didn't enjoy the trip, he appears to have bounced back quickly- showing no fear when meeting his new owners, relaxed quietly in the truck for the ride home, and laying contentedly at their feet today in his new home.
His new master had an ES when he was a boy many moons ago, and he says that his first impressions are that Blue is a good dog, and appears to be a wonderful example of the breed. He loves his Teflon coat, calm demeanor and contented off switch.
LOVE this feedback on my pups!

He also commented on the reddish hue to Blue's coat. Yes, many of the pups in this litter have ended up being a beautiful seal color. They generally look black and white, but in certain lighting they have a red/brown hue. It can occur when a b/w / seal dog like Misty is crossed with a sable dog, such as King. See HERE for more info on this pretty variation of the black & white coat.

Blue's lovely seal coat.
Last but not least, here's a short video of Blue's first lesson for 'Around' a couple of days before he shipped out, taken within the first 5 minutes of him being introduced to the concept. ------------------------------------

SILVER (Morley) I've got to rave about this girl. On the day she shipped, we went into the airport where she greeted all the new sights, sounds and people alert and wagging. She'd never been there before. Then she cheerfully met the servers at the counter, who all thought she was adorable. I plunked her in her new crate to be weighed. Quiet. Brought her out, placed her on my lap for 45 min. She lay quietly there, ears coming alert and sitting up on occasion to wag when people went by, but never squirreled around. Another dog came in. She watched, cheerful and alert while it's owners went through the ticket counter. Not a peep, even though it was yipping, just quietly and calmly watched everything. Occasionally, she leaned back against me to lick my chin. Brand new, completely different experience and she handled it with such aplomb. Reminds me a LOT of mama Misty. Her owners said, " She is so quiet! Such a bright sparkling thing and she's getting along great with everyone! You have done a great job with her 😊The kids are super enthusiastic! And Morley is handling their excitement quite calmly. She is getting tons of exercise and stimulation!" She's playing hard & sleeping hard 😊