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Video of pups at 4 weeks.

With sunny weather finally here, the pups got to experience the great outdoors this week, several days in a row :)

Pups in transport box, Jazz nuzzling, Opal onlooking >>
Vid one - within seconds of being placed on the ground, prior to adding mom to the area. Vid two - TWO minutes later, all pups adapted pretty quickly. Vid three - Jazz nursing pups standing up
Vid four - Elkanah fully warmed up to the area (~ 7 minutes from initial introduction) and eventually comes over to me with a raised, waggy tail.
Vid five - Jazz teaching some manners.

Needed a bigger container to transport them :)
The pups expanded their culinary ventures to include puppy kibble mush this week, too. Since there are only four of them they all fit in a crate at first, so I fed them in there as a positive introduction to crates. (wait for the lighting - I did finally get the flash turned on, lol ). As they've now gotten big enough that they're a bit cramped for that, I've started feeding them on the floor.
We had quite a scare for more than 8 hours on Saturday when Jazz & Opal disappeared from our yard. The puppies were definitely missing their mama. We searched everywhere - ditches, hwy, neighbors. We were concerned that someone may have picked them up (lots of dogs stolen in our area over the past few years) as Jazz would never willingly leave her pups for that long.
However, after some notifications to the community, they were located safe!! <3 All of us were very happy to have them home. Puppies also got their first intro to marker training yesterday. All eagerly attempted sit, turn, spin, up and off, and gobbled their treats. Unfortunately, I was not set up to video, so didn't get anything for that yet. But, hopefully more to come in the next few days / weeks. :)
Puppy pictures: Caveat, please remember that all of these insights and pics are snippets in time, not the full picture. Pups are continuing to develop traits as they grow and mature. All of the pups bark alert when I come into the room & are eager to come over to me - mainly because they connect me as a food source and are hoping that I'll oblige, lol :p 1) Elkanah (God has made - m) So far, Elkanah can take a bit longer to warm up to new situations, but there's a lot of changes to take place yet over the next few weeks, so too early to tell if this will be a lasting trend.
2) Elko (His collar has a wavy 'sash', thus Elko, meaning 'Noble' - m) He was the first pup to use the potty, and is pretty consistent, along with Ember.
Elko was also the least adventurous in the new photo area at 3 weeks. He's now more outgoing than Elkanah in new situations.
3) Eagle (This boy's collar reminds me of a bird - m). I think he will likely fade to saddleback. He, along with Ember, is thus far the most explorative in new surroundings. He licks my face when I pick him up. He's also sported a bit of a 'tude on occasion, and appears to be a little more dominance oriented, but it's too early to see how much that will show up by the time he's older. He's also showing a bit higher energy level.
4) Ember (She has a little flame of white on the back of her neck - f). At 3 weeks she, along with Eagle, was the most interested in exploring the new surroundings for the photo shoot. At 2-3 weeks she was, on occasion, a bit of a drama queen - she did NOT enjoy being dewormed, lol. (Ember has not been a drama queen this week). She's also starting to wag her tail when I pet her and licks my face when I pick her up <3
All pups are currently reserved, pending temperament tests. Anyone interested in being on our wait list either in case a spot opens up from this litter, or for future litters, please contact us & fill out our application form.