I completely revamped the puppy area this week to incorporate some play toys. If you look closely at the picture above, you can see the pups waiting patiently in their crate at the left for me to finish the overhaul. Here are a few video clips of the pups playing: Vid 1 Vid 2
(As always, click on any video after it's opened in a new window to access the full clip.)

Puppy pre-training continued this week. I added 'touch' as well as some wobbly and bumpy surfaces to their training experience. While different pup-alities are starting to become more noticeable, the pups have all been eager to work with me.
Cleaning is a never ending activity with puppy litters.
Here's a short video of the pups' first close up introduction to the vacuum. (sadly, vid is upside down, but c'est la vie, lol :p ) You'll notice that I have my foot on the vacuum head. This allows the pups to smell my scent as they approach the possibly scary intruder, as well as see that I'm in a dominant position over it. I'm very careful to stop and let them sniff, and then move the head slowly while they get used to it.
The pups got their first intro to dry kibble as a meal today, and ate with gusto.

All the pups are growing at a pretty even rate. Cider has beat out his brothers, winning the Chub Champ award this week, while Cookie & Candy are tied for smallest pups.
Individual puppy pics (Day 42) *Please note- all videos are little snippets in time which give glimpses of each pup's personality, but not the full picture. This week the pups are active enough that my slow phone camera has not been able to do a good job of keeping up to their movements = hundreds of blurry pictures!! :( I'm really looking forward to when my sons get here for Christmas. As an amateur photographer, the one will definitely be encouraged to practice his trade on these puppies! ;)
Blue = Chowder (m) - Available saddleback sable
Chowder's eyes have finally darkened this week; I think they'll be hazel when done. He's still a very even keeled pup. I'll be looking for a person interested in using him as a stud if he continues as he has thus far.
Green = Cider (m) - Available saddleback sable
Cider, like most of the pups, was very eager to get off the chair tonight, so I got a ton of blurry, unusable pictures. Here's the best of them... Did I mention I can't wait until the better quality camera arrives?! lol He's a sweet, friendly pup.
Pink = Cookie (f) - Reserved - tri-color Cookie training video 6 wks Cookie was the only puppy today to make eye contact on the chair, and follow my hand movements. Everyone else just wanted to hurry up and attempt to jump off to reach the food that they knew was sitting behind me for their training sessions... lol
Purple = Candy (f) - Reserved - saddleback sable
Candy is a smart, friendly little girl who is eager to tackle new tasks, especially if food is involved. :)
Silver = Carver (m) tri-color, Reserved pending temperament test Carver training video 6 wks
Carver is not usually one of the more vocal pups, but he was during training tonight - mostly, I think, out of frustration that he wasn't getting fed as quickly as he desired. As can be seen, he's a bit more cautious than some of his siblings, but he was still willing to work with me and attempt things after some thought. He was the first pup to connect the correct action to the potty area, as well as the first to realize that only the pups that are sitting get petted when I'm visiting their pen.
Gold = Ceasar (m) Available tri-color
Ceasar training video 6 wks I think I forgot to do turn & spin with him in this video. I'd "taken" one just prior, only to discover that it hadn't recorded...
Ceasar is outgoing and gregarious. His tail wags a mile a minute, he makes eye contact and strives to engage with me. At this point he is the highest energy pup of the litter, and will likely be both fun and challenging to train.
At this point, there are 3 male spots available. If you're interested in this litter (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form. If you've filled out a form and have decided you definitely want a pup (subject to suitable temperament test), please contact me to arrange a deposit to hold your spot. (Since girl spots are already reserved, a deposit holds a boy spot for you, rather than a specific pup at this time, then at 7 wks, specific pup is confirmed post temperament test through consultation with you.) If you've already sent a deposit, you're on the confirmed owner list. Deposit is fully refundable if we find at the 7 wk temperament test that we don't have a pup that's suitable for your needs.