The past few weeks have been crazy with kidding, socialization, temperament tests, trip to vet for wellness check & vaccinations, a funeral, trips to the airport, meeting with owners, more kidding and tube feeding 'round the clock... So, I didn't get any formal pictures or videos. However, here are a few snippets from the past while... **As with all video links, click on video once link opens to get full pic & sound**
Puppy play time outside May 8th :) They had just been released from their indoor pen and were working off their zoomies. Boy did they crash and snooze later!! lol :p
Another clip from the 8th. All pups got vet checked and vaccinated May 9th. Everyone passed with flying colors :) There was a bit of fussing during the car ride at first, but as you can see, they soon settled down & zonked out. And no one got car sick on the 2.5 hour journey. Yay! :)
Quick video from when we got home from the vet's. Pups were tired from their journey- not quite so frenetic as May 8th's melee :) May 13th A bunch of extended family were up from the big cities for the funeral of a relative. Several of them stopped by to meet the pups and goat kids. I "took" a long video of the pups meeting and greeting one little girl (they did sooooo well!), and showing how calmly and yet still observant Jazz took all the strangers around her pups...only to discover that my dh's phone was full and shut the video off after just 10 seconds!!! Urgh 😡The little girl was in a dress which meant she had to be held to prevent puppy scratches so when we came around a second time with MY phone & more peeps who had showed up, the parents stayed out of the pen since they'd already "been there, done that" for about half an hour prior (+ her mama is heavy pregnant too). So sad I can't show you that first clip. :'( However, I've attached the one I got a bit later using MY phone... :p As of May 25th, all pups have been sold except:
Opal - saddleback sable (f) RETAINED
Pink - tri color (f) - Available

Pink is a smart pup, affectionate, and easy to train. This little girl went through a period of time where she had 3 short (& corrected) episodes of reactivity. At those times she showed a dislike for restraint, but has responded very well to desensitization training (collar grabs, all over handling, etc) and just looks forward to her treat now. Future owner would be encouraged to continue exposing her in rewarding ways to anything she may find disconcerting. She should excel in a dog savvy home with either a male dog companion or as a single dog, and with teens or no children. Her temperament test doesn't show her to be an extreme or aggressive dog, but she can be bossy, and has the potential to be somewhat reactive (most dogs do have that potential given the right circumstance) which is why I feel she'd do better with older or no children & with fewer dogs to boss. Careful socialization and consistent, firm but fair rules will go a long way towards creating a loyal & helpful companion. Pink's response to noise inside (8 wks) Additional info as of Jun 1st: I haven't seen any reactivity from Pink now for a couple of weeks. She went on a walkabout with her dam to the back forty of our property around that time and got lost on her own for more than 4 hours. When she arrived home in a woebegone state she was obviously relieved to be back. She has been less brassy since and chose to stay in her pen even when her sibling dug out and left her alone. She works and trains well with me- showing eagerness to do what I'm asking. I've handled teeth, ears, all 4 feet, tail, abdomen. She's wiggly at times, but accepts the handling well. I'll try to find someone to video me working with her soon. And she really enjoys a good snuggle. Pink- tri color - shown with her sable faced sister & dam Jun 1, 2018 outside and in the barnyard: 1) Video 1 2) Video 2 3) Video 3 4) Video 4 5) Video 5 6) **Latest video taken Jun 7, 2018 ** Pink pics (9 wks):
Pink pics (10-11 wks):
I took a few photos of some of the pups on the days they were leaving to go to their new homes:
If you're interested in Pink (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form.