We shipped the last two remaining pups, Chowder & Candy, from our Jazz / Monty Nov 2018 litter to their new homes today at 10 weeks of age. Hard to see them go, but glad for the happiness they'll bring others. Pictured enroute to the airport for their flight. <3

A few things from this past week to reminisce. Both pups made huge strides in their training this week. Both were sitting on command without having to be lured. They were dropping into down without needing treats to guide them (but still following hand movements). They were doing spin, turn, up, off, just with voice and hand signals. However, since no one was here to capture them while I was training, sadly, I have no videos. However, here are a few I was able to take since pups were working far enough away from me: Candy doing a precursor to retrieve exercise. (And yes, while we were doing that, Chowder was having some solitary time in the crate to prep him for travel... He wasn't impressed with being left out of the fun). Chowder doing the precursor to retrieve exercise. And then retrieving... although, as I told his owner - that's an anomaly; if he's anything like his dam, he'll retrieve 3x, then tell you to go get it since you keep insisting on throwing it away, lol :p Going back a bit further. In week 9, I mentioned the 'Manding' exercise. Here is a short clip of the 3 remaining pups at the time 'Manding' before Caesar left for his new home. You'll note that both Chowder and Caesar were very interested in the food whereas Candy attempted right at the beginning, but after I dropped her treat, she noticed that my son had entered the room beside us, so she was focused on the new person. Pics of Candy (1st 4) & Chowder (last 5) at 10 weeks old:
Now to focus on some of my younger ES who have been a bit sidelined while I've been distracted by puppies and the relative influx over Christmas!
Thank you for following us on our adventures thus far :)