As of today, three of our English Shepherd pups have gone to their new homes. Two are awaiting shipping, and one gorgeous boy, Chowder, is available. It was warm outside yesterday... +4! So in between family dinners, we came home & I took pups outside for a bit. Lighting was poor because it was about an hour before dark but the pups had a blast being introduced to one of our adult ES's, Misty, chasing each other around in the snow and jumping in it. Here's a clip of some of the fun. (On the video I made a comment regarding the steps - thankfully none fell, but I always prefer to carry pups down stairs rather than have them run up and down because there is a higher risk of injury - they tend to not judge distance well when young and in the excitement of chasing one another may launch off a higher step or fall off the side.)
A few pics of the four pups:
Blue = Chowder (m) - Available saddleback sable
Chowder is a personable pup that snags me every time with his vivid eyes. He scored an even amount of 2's & 3's. This makes for a level headed dog that should handle most things well, but with enough vigor that he will best excel in a home that can give him the consistent, fair rules & direction that will help him blossom into the wonderfully respectful, loyal companion he has the potential to be.
In between Christmas & New Years we had a party with a pile of relatives (20+). The puppies were involved for some of it. Everyone loved them. 💕The pups did very well - lots of noise, commotion, unfamiliar people holding them - some with *no* dog experience, so there were sudden, loud "I love him!" exclamations in their ears. The only issue we had was that they wanted to get down and play, but I was worried someone would trip over them in the melee, so they had to acquiesce to being held the whole time. (I let Candy down briefly at the start and then decided that might not be the best idea, thankfully before anyone got hurt...). A couple of the guys tried to convince their spouses that this would be a really good time to get a puppy... Lol 😜 My photographer son didn't end up getting home until party time and we were too busy hosting to set up some shots. So, please forgive the informal pics from my camera, but these will have to do for now!
Due to the busy, family and fun packed Christmas season, I have not done much training with the pups the past week, except a continuation of something referred to as 'manding' (from Puppy Culture). This is where pups are rewarded for sitting - instead of jumping up - by being petted or given a treat. I haven't been able to capture ours doing this on video - either camera is not near by, or I'm working with them alone, so here is a clip from YouTube which gives you the idea. As an extension of that, the pups have learned that I don't place the food tray on the floor until ALL of them are sitting nicely at the same time. They're getting pretty quick to comply! :) Bonus for me is that they don't knock the kibble flying as I'm reaching down to place the container on the floor.
If you're interested in Chowder (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form.
Have questions? Please Contact me.
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