If any of you read my previous Blog about Laddie herding (Jul 7), you'll know that Laddie had had a successful run-in with an escapee goat kid. I finally managed to capture him herding on Jul 17. Sorry for the terrible video quality due to the angle of the sun as well as the fact that I was walking over rough pasture... but here's Laddie putting the does away. I was hoping to get someone to take a better video of him doing so by now ... but it's currently mid Sept and the occasion still hasn't arisen, so thought this was better than nothing.
They weren't all that pleased with being put away and balked a bit, but I noticed that the buckling didn't try to escape this time, and they did eventually all turn and go in.
I have tried to move these girls into the barn by myself and it's like herding cats... I get absolutely NOWHERE. These dogs are such important helpers even for something as seemingly simple as this. :)