Most of the Misty x Laddie pups have gone to their new homes. However, at 9 weeks of age, we still had one lovely boy available, Green (NOW RESERVED), and another, Silver, waiting for shipping (who then ended up shipping out sooner than expected). We do have one other pup available... but he's a different story & a special consideration.
Pups had another outdoor excursion this week when we experienced a chinook. I took them to the barnyard in a crate and pulled them around as I did chores. Our female LGD, Kohar, was gently intrigued by them. (The sun was shining right on them, hence the extra brilliance.) *With all videos, click the link, then click the video to open it fully.* They observed me feeding the bucks and the does (The roosters had just been crowing so I mentioned them, but then they didn't utter a sound the entire video, lol) and got to hear the chickens fussing. Once we were out of the pasture, I let them out of the crate for a few minutes to play with Misty. I didn't see it until I was reviewing the videos, but in this one, the sled ran partially over one of the pups (thanks, Misty! *eye roll*) lol. Since it was empty and therefore light, and the snow soft, pup was none the worse for wear and continued to follow, tail up. In another video, there was a sudden loud bang (piece of tin was caught by the wind). We got to watch Green's reaction to that. Then Green & Red were playing around the crate just prior to me getting the camera turned on, and Green saw me and came running over to see me. Tuesday I had to run Silver to town for his pre-flight vet certificate. So he got some alone crate and travel time. Good practice for the longer one to come. Original plan was to ship next week Tues, but then we heard from the airline on Wed this week that they may not be flying to the destination by then... So it was a whirlwind trip Wed/Thurs to Edmonton to place him on the flight before the Easter weekend. Due to the sudden trip (& a small bathroom "fix" that ended up needing to be a full gut... "sigh"), I also did only a very slight amount of marker training this week. We're working on sit, turn, spin, up, off, stand, settle, touch and down. The pups understand the words 'sit', 'up', and 'off', albeit aren't always quick to do so, lol. They are still being lured with most other words, although they're generally quicker to respond overall now. So, this litter isn't as 'marker trained' as some of my previous litters, but... that's the way it goes. They at least have been exposed to marker training, show some understanding, and a real willingness to work with me.

We had friends deliver some of the larger bathroom reno supplies yesterday since our truck is no longer insured while hubby works from home. Social distancing was observed... all except Green, that is - he ignored it. That boy just loved their daughter :)
(Please excuse the mess - I *did* say we are renovating, right?! lol )
Today is another lovely, warm & sunny day. We went outside where we met Opal. She was interested, but a bit unsure at first of how she should respond. However, she soon warmed up and wanted to play a bit. Kohar, Monty, Jazz and Laddie all had a turn at sniffing noses (through fence), we played near the barnyard, and then went to re-visit the goats the pups originally met on their first outdoor excursion. The goats were not as interested this time, so we didn't get any close encounters of the ruminant kind... ;)
Puppy weights: Red left Monday night after these pictures were taken.
*Before viewing the training videos*
A caveat. Once again, these videos are a glimpse of a moment in time and not the full picture. Take them along with the other videos, pictures and explanations you've seen to form a more well-rounded idea.
​​Individual puppy pics (Day 68)
Green (m) - *RESERVED*
Black & white boy. Green (& Silver) herding test
Green is usually eager to train, friendly and very waggy. He's quite agile on his feet and was able to make the turns with more dexterity earlier than some. On our first outside excursion, Green and Gold were the first 2 pups out of the crate - like a flash - to find mom. Green did find having a goat in his face a bit daunting (I mistook him for Blue at first), and growled and woofed a bit. In the video, I mentioned that Silver's collar was coming undone, but it was actually Gold - IF I'd looked at the face rather than the silver inner lining of the collar, I'd have realized this, lol :p ) Green's temperament test showed a majority of 4's, with 1 two, 3 threes, and a 4.5. The 2 for him was for high pain tolerance. One of the 3's was in restraint, so a bit more dominance than nothing, but not much issue there - I did some 'settle' practice with him this week (holding him down on his side and marking 'yes' when he lay calmly; he only kicked a couple of times before relaxing.) He's a bit higher energy, but not as high as Pink. Pink is easier to focus on task than Green, but he's still highly trainable. Very food motivated. I think he'd be good with children provided the owners taught him acceptable behaviours. According to a more experienced herder than I, Green shows a lot of promise as a working farm dog. However, I believe him to be a perfect example of versatility too; he should fit in almost anywhere that gives him exercise and works his brain.
Green Training Video (7 wks) Green Post training Video (7 wks) Green Training Video (9 wks) The break from marker training shows a bit with Green in this video - he was a bit tired & distractable, lol. Ah well, he will pick right up with some more consistent training.
Green (m) - *RESERVED*
Blue (m) - *SOLD* Gold (m) - *SOLD*
Red (m) - *SOLD*
Silver (m) - SOLD
Pink (f) - *SOLD*
Spot (m) - *SOLD*
There is ONE special male pup currently still available from this litter. If you're interested in him (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form.