We did "6 wk" training videos on Saturday instead of Monday because we were heading into what's likely to be a busy kidding week and I wasn't sure when we'd next have time to do the recording. Sure enough, Saturday evening started off with a bang with triplets born that needed 'round the clock assistance for the first couple of days :P

**As with all video links, click on video once link opens to get full pic & sound**
Blue training 5 wks 5 days old Pink (aka purple collar) training 5 wks 5 days old Silver training 5 wks 5 days old Opal (aka white collar) training 5 wks 5 days old
Beautiful Jazz was the perfect helper Saturday evening, enabling me to gently corner & catch the heavily pregnant does due next and carefully move them into the barn for me. There was a bitter North wind blowing that night, so we wanted everyone who might kid inside the barn where there's a bit more protection from the elements (and access to heat lamps).

On Apr 27, I spent a couple of hours in the 21* sunny barnyard with the pups. It was their *very first* peek outside and they did amazingly <3 The adventure started this way. First video in the barnyard. Part 2 in the barnyard. Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 - final vid
And here are a "few" pics. I went through and labeled them all, but the website lost all the edits, so I'm sorry, you'll need to do some detective work!
One of our sons and a friend came out on Monday to take 6 wk pics & socialize the pups some more. We all had a blast watching them play and tussle. So thankful for their help, couldn't have got it done alone since we also had a couple of doelings born then, too.
Since this is a very busy week, and I have 200 pictures to sort through, I'm just going to post a few for now so I can get this published, and add more later as I have time. Click on pics to view in bigger screen: Blue - tri color (m)
Red - tri color (f)
This girl may become open faced tri or saddleback sable, but no guarantee.
Pink - tri color (f)
Green - tri color (m)
Brown (aka Peach-aka Bronze... he may get a complex! :P ) - tri color (m)
Silver - tri color (m)
Opal - saddleback sable (f)
Gold - tri color (m)
My list is filling quickly. We have a couple spots remaining. If you're interested in this litter (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form. If you've filled out a form and have decided you definitely want a pup (subject to suitable temperament test), please contact me to arrange deposit to hold your spot. (Deposit holds either a girl or boy spot for you, rather than a specific pup at this time, then at 7 wks, specific pup is confirmed through consultation with you.) If you've already sent a deposit, you're on the confirmed owner list. Deposit is fully refundable if we find at the 7 wk temperament test that we don't have a pup that's suitable for your needs.