Pups are eating mush regularly now. Mama Jazz is spending less and less time with them, and enjoying more freedom outside. Very thankful for this El Niño weather that is making it easy for her to transition from indoor hothouse to playing in the snow.

We got the good news on Monday that the DNA samples arrived at PawPrint Genetics. It's a 3 to 4 week turnaround for results, which means that pups will either be ready to go at 8 weeks of age (Dec 27th) if we get results at 3 weeks, or Dec 31st if it's exactly four... But with holidays in there... guess we'll see!
Update Dec 8, 2018
We got the results!! Please see our Newsflash!
Over the past while, the pups have experienced loud radio, vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, & laundry sounds. At first they were a bit concerned, but I was pleasantly surprised the very first time I took the vacuum into their room that, after moving back a bit to observe (all but Ceasar, who took a front row seat) they relaxed very quickly. I then placed them in their kennel so I could clean their side of the pen and they promptly fell asleep. Cleaning the puppy room - pup response video.
(As always, click on any video after it's opened in a new window to access the full clip.)

Puppy pre-training has gone well this week. All the pups have been responsive and cooperated fully with the various exercises (sit, down, come, up, off, turn, spin). I hope to get some video this weekend of them working with me when I have some helpers at home.
All the pups have been dewormed. Carver has won the big bruiser award this week. Cookie is now the smallest, having been passed by her sister, Candy, who put on a full 2 pounds this week! But, they're all growing well.
Individual puppy pics (Day 35) *Please note- all videos are little snippets in time which give glimpses of each pup's personality, but not the full picture.
Blue = Chowder (m) - Available saddleback sable
Chowder's description from last week is still so exactly like him that there's really not much to change, other than he's getting bigger and more body aware. He likes to make eye contact & is very observant. He's friendly, cheerful, eager to train, socialize, scarf the food & explore. He's also one of the few pups that noticeably shifts his head to follow my hand movements (note the pics where he's got very focused eyes - he's following my hand). He still has baby blue eyes, but I suspect they'll still turn brown- just a bit slower to change than his siblings. This boy may give Ceasar a run for his money in the stud department.
At this point in time, his energy is low to mid-level - not as boisterous as brother Ceasar.
Green = Cider (m) - Available saddleback sable Cider video 5 wks Cider video after a training session Dec 3 (whining is from the peanut gallery) As the other pups have taken turns doing, Cider is going through a developmental stage where he's a bit more hesitant about certain situations. However, he was also the first one to figure out how to get over the barrier between the pup & dam sides of the puppy pen this week, so it hasn't slowed him down much! During training, Cider was the 2nd pup to stand out in regards to body awareness and ease of turning.
Pink = Cookie (f) - Reserved - tri-color Cookie 5 wk video 1 - this one shows Cookie's thoughtful stage prior to becoming bouncy.
Cookie 5 wk video 2 Cookie went through a bit of a hesitant period earlier this week, but has rounded the corner to become a going concern - active & playful, including interacting with me. She still hangs back to observe certain situations before getting involved. Currently the lowest in the pack order.
Purple = Candy (f) - Reserved - saddleback sable Candy video 5 wks Candy video after training on Dec 3. The observation deck was in full force, lol. Candy has grown in confidence this week. She's become quite playful, although still reserved when faced with new circumstances. Atm, she's mid level energy.
Silver = Carver (m) Available tri-color Carver video 5 wks
Carver has become more self-assured this week. He is still a bit more hesitant about new things than some of the others, but has come along well. He was the first pup to demonstrate agility in his turns and spins during pre-training. He's lower energy than brother Ceasar.
Gold = Ceasar (m) Available tri-color
As with Chowder, there's not much to change about Ceasar's info. He continues to be outgoing and gregarious. His tail wags a mile a minute, he makes eye contact and strives to engage with me. At this point he is the highest energy pup of the litter, and will likely be both fun and challenging to train.
At this point, there are 4 male spots available. If you're interested in this litter (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form. If you've filled out a form and have decided you definitely want a pup (subject to suitable temperament test), please contact me to arrange a deposit to hold your spot. (Since girl spots are already reserved, a deposit holds a boy spot for you, rather than a specific pup at this time, then at 7 wks, specific pup is confirmed post temperament test through consultation with you.) If you've already sent a deposit, you're on the confirmed owner list. Deposit is fully refundable if we find at the 7 wk temperament test that we don't have a pup that's suitable for your needs. In addition, since we are currently awaiting DNA results for the sire(s) of this litter, if the pups do not end up being fully ES, you will have the option to move your deposit to the wait list of another litter or have it refunded with no penalty. However, due to growth rates, color, temperament traits, I'm pretty confident that they are fully ES.