
Sunnyside ES
Mar 23, 2017
2016 Misty x King Litter Summary, & Fall 2017 Litter Wait List
Our 2016 litter is SOLD (see some of their pictures below- I've placed them in order so young puppy pics belong to the dog on the right...

Sunnyside ES
Mar 21, 2017
Blue & Silver in their New Homes
BLUE I just got off the phone with Blue's new owners. I'm delighted to report that they love him, and say, "I don't know how he could be...

Sunnyside ES
Feb 15, 2017
20 Week Pupdates & Vids
BLUE Blue (m) is 20 weeks old & 28.5 lbs today. He knows sit, come, up, off, on, down through, place, touch, watch, in, out, turn, spin,...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 31, 2017
17.5 week Pupdates & Pics
Silver 'down' ^^ Boys were home with an NID yesterday, so we got some puppy work done. :) First, we did some crate training. Blue is...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 27, 2017
Blue Training Video 17 weeks
It was just confirmed to me this week that the injury I sustained in early December actually completely severed a tendon in my wrist,...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 18, 2017
16 wk Pupdate & training video
I took Blue & Silver down to the pasture to observe us trimming goat hooves a couple of days ago. Both of them told us they weren't...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 12, 2017
15 Week Pupdate & Pics
Best laid plans... Between seasonal flus, personal injuries and belated New Year's visitors, we missed the 14 week pupdate completely. ...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 2, 2017
Good pup!
Silver is going to be a protective girl. I had just finished training with her outside and was walking toward the porch to get her the...

Sunnyside ES
Dec 28, 2016
13 week Update & Pics
We trained outside for the first time today. The pups took to the training like ducks to water even with the added distractions of dogs...

Sunnyside ES
Dec 23, 2016
12 week pics & 'Fetch' Videos
Pups are 12 weeks old. We did another training session today, which included a few quick games of 'Get it' (fetch). As per their 7 week...

Sunnyside ES
Dec 19, 2016
Training 11 weeks (after a 2 week hiatus)
Due to the injury to my arm, I was unable to work with the pups at all for 2 weeks, so they are a bit further behind in their training...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 26, 2016
Snowy Expedition
Yesterday we had a cool afternoon, having warmed up to about -6 after a sunny morning. I took the pups outside, where they met Monty (one...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 25, 2016
Pups in their new homes & References
Green, now Fern, doing well in her new home, 8 weeks of age. According to her owner, "Fern is doing awesome in her new life in town. She...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 25, 2016
A Bone to Pick - Observing Litter Hierarchy
I did an experiment Nov 10- pups were 6 weeks old- to try to determine the pack dominance order of the pups at that stage by handing out...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 22, 2016
Training Videos 7.5 weeks
I've just done videos of the pups doing their training session with me. Of course at this age there's still a fair amount of luring...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 18, 2016
Temperament Tests of Available Pups & Vet Exam
All pups (sold & available) were examined and vaccinated by the vet today. Everyone did well & passed inspection. :) I've used the...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 16, 2016
A Walk in the Woods
♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ If you go down in the woods today, you're in for a big surprise... ♪ ♫ ♩ ♬ The ground froze yesterday, so I took the pups out...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 14, 2016
Herding Tests
Yesterday was herding instinct test day! The pups had a LOT to take in. Since the weather in Northern Canada can vary from snow to rain /...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 12, 2016
Outdoor Field Trip
It being winter here, the pups have been inside their entire lives. That changed today. It was a balmy 13* :) So we took them on a calf...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 9, 2016
Misty x King puppies - 6 weeks & training
I've done some one on one training with the pups the past couple of weeks and it's neat to see them develop; they're becoming real...

Sunnyside ES
Nov 3, 2016
King x Misty Litter - 5 wk Puppy pics & Video links
These pups are starting to be a going concern; their individual dogalities are beginning to appear :) Most of them are using the potty...