Monty's OFA
On Dec 7, 2017, we took Monty (registered name Willhedo) to have his hips and elbows x-rayed to be certified with the OFA. His four year...

A Week in the Life of Laddie
Laddie has had several outings recently. On New Years he met some friends of ours (& their new 10 wk old puppy). He traveled for hours in...

Training Laddie, almost 11 weeks old
Some videos of Laddie's training Dec 29th evening (click on the underlined links to view): Training run 1 Training run 2 Not perfect-...

2016 Misty x King Litter Summary, & Fall 2017 Litter Wait List
Our 2016 litter is SOLD (see some of their pictures below- I've placed them in order so young puppy pics belong to the dog on the right...

Blue & Silver in their New Homes
BLUE I just got off the phone with Blue's new owners. I'm delighted to report that they love him, and say, "I don't know how he could be...

20 Week Pupdates & Vids
BLUE Blue (m) is 20 weeks old & 28.5 lbs today. He knows sit, come, up, off, on, down through, place, touch, watch, in, out, turn, spin,...

17.5 week Pupdates & Pics
Silver 'down' ^^ Boys were home with an NID yesterday, so we got some puppy work done. :) First, we did some crate training. Blue is...

Blue Training Video 17 weeks
It was just confirmed to me this week that the injury I sustained in early December actually completely severed a tendon in my wrist,...

16 wk Pupdate & training video
I took Blue & Silver down to the pasture to observe us trimming goat hooves a couple of days ago. Both of them told us they weren't...

15 Week Pupdate & Pics
Best laid plans... Between seasonal flus, personal injuries and belated New Year's visitors, we missed the 14 week pupdate completely. ...