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Duck, Duck, Snow...

Jazz x Monty English Shepherd pups week 7.

Monday it warmed up to -1*C, so I took the pups outside briefly for the first time in their lives. They were all unfazed by the experience, which was wonderful to see :)

It was also their first intro to Laddie. Both parties handled the introduction with aplomb. <3 Here's a video of part of the excursion.

(As always, click on any video after it's opened in a new window to access the full clip.)

Some of our sons arrive home for Christmas Saturday evening. I quickly availed myself of their puppy handling capabilities and filled their arms with wiggling fur balls. :) While all the pups had a turn, only a couple of our boys allowed me to take Video 1 featuring Chowder & Ceasar; Vid 2. - Cider & Candy.

Tuesday, we took the pups down to the pasture into a small corral with a couple of ducks (a fox got all our Indian Runners this fall while our LGD was in another pasture, so I had to use the bigger Cayugas). We didn't expect much herding behaviour since not only were the pups outside for only the second time in their lives, they were in a new area with a plethora of new scents & critters they'd never seen or heard before. They took a bit of time to warm up to the experience but overall I was very impressed since they didn't even have their mom present to show them how they should react. In the first video, you'll likely hear some background snarling - that was one of our LGD in a different pen, responding to a perceived threat that had nothing to do with the pups. Of them all, Cookie surprised me the most, because she's typically the one to hang back and reserve judgment. This time, she was one of the first ones to come closer to the ducks, although she didn't participate in any chase behaviours. Cider, Chowder & Candy showed the most interest once they got more comfortable. Carver decided it might be a good thing to join me part of the time, while the litter as a whole started to become a bit more comfortable in this clip. The most outgoing house pup, Ceasar, took a bit longer to join into the fray, but did so briefly in this video. Just goes to demonstrate how important it is that pups get a range of good experiences as they develop so that they become well rounded. It's also another reminder that videos only show glimpses of a pup's temperament - different days and scenarios can produce varying results.

The pups went to the vet Thursday for their checkup, deworming, & first vaccination. Short clip of their car ride; they did amazingly well.

Video 2 was taken when we stopped at my parents for a potty break on the way home. They hadn't had a chance to come out to meet the batch of pups either in March or yet this time, so this was their first viewing of a Jazz / Monty litter.

Puppy pre-training continued this week. I added 'touch' as well as some wobbly and bumpy surfaces to their training experience. While different pup-alities are starting to become more noticeable, the pups have all been eager to work with me. (Until Thursday. Long, long day filled with new sights, sounds, travel, deworming & vaccinations meant there were a couple of pups who had had enough, so it took a couple of days to complete the videos).

All the pups definitely enjoyed their kibble this week, gaining over two pounds apiece. Cider & Chowder are tied for heavyweights, with Ceasar not far behind.

Temperament tests were Saturday's big goal, basic summaries of which are in each pup's description. All the pups did well :)

We also had more relatives drop by. Here the pups were chowing down on dinner with an eager snuggler waiting for them to finish.

Individual puppy pics (Day 49) *Please note- all videos are little snippets in time which give glimpses of each pup's personality, but not the full picture. Blue = Chowder (m) - Available saddleback sable

Chowder is a personable pup that snags me every time with his vivid eyes. He scored an even amount of 2's & 3's. This makes for a level headed dog that should handle most things well, but with enough vigor that he will best excel in a home that can give him the consistent, fair rules & direction that will help him blossom into the wonderfully respectful, loyal companion he has the potential to be.

Cider is very food oriented and loves to train. He was one of three pups who retrieved in the temperament test. He is slightly more sensitive to loud noise than the other pups, but not extreme, & is the first to alert when I walk into the room. He's a sweet, friendly pup.

Pink = Cookie (f) - Reserved - tri-color Cookie training video 7 wks Cookie is the only pup I've had who was noticeably affected by her first vaccination, depressed and under the weather for 2 days following her vet visit. She was improved enough to undergo the temperament tests with her siblings yesterday and is back to normal today, cheerful and eager to train again :) She scored mostly 3's and was one of 3 pups who retrieved. Pups with this score tend to be the best prospect for an average owner.

Purple = Candy (f) - Reserved - saddleback sable

When some of the pups were a bit less responsive to training post vaccination, I reduced the activities and used a higher reward treat. Candy's training video happened to fall on that day, which is why she's not shown doing all the typical obstacles.

Candy is a compact little bundle of fun & energy. She was one of 3 pups who retrieved during the temperament test. She also scored more 2's than 3's, meaning that she'll require firm, consistent, fair handling. Many successful show dogs tend to have this temperament since the joie de vivre is demonstrable. These pups tend to be loyal, attractive pets as long as they aren't allowed to rule the roost.

Silver = Carver (m) tri-color, Reserved pending temperament test Carver training video 7 wks

Carver is a lovely middle of the road pup. According to his temperament test, he's got a high pain tolerance threshold & isn't fazed by loud noise. He also likes his food coming fast & furious during training sessions, lol.

Gold = Ceasar (m) Available tri-color

A wee story from this week. I always try to pet the puppies that sit instead of jump and bark and otherwise try to get attention. So I did the rounds this evening petting each pup as it sat. Throughout the exercise Ceasar was bouncing and pouncing on top of the other pups and jumping up against the side of the x pen, doing everything but sit. Finally he emitted this exasperated little puppy grumble of frustration that he wasn't getting any attention. So I looked directly in his eyes and said, "You know Caesar, you've got to sit if you want to be petted." His eyes got a little knowing look in them and he promptly parked that fuzzy butt on the floor. 😆 Lol 💕 These dogs are so smart. 😍

Ceasar is a fluffy, waggy butt, lol. He enjoys training and engaging with me. He was less sure of himself (& of me - that duck scented, masked person, lol) upon first intro to the ducks, but did adapt. This boy scored slightly more 3's than 2's in the temperament test, which means he's a pretty level pup with a bit more verve than some. At this point he & Candy are the highest energy pups of the litter, and the two will likely be both fun and challenging to train.

At this point, there are 2 male spots available. If you're interested in this litter (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form. If you've filled out a form and have decided you definitely want a pup (subject to suitable temperament test), please contact me to arrange a deposit to hold your spot. (Since girl spots are already reserved, a deposit holds a boy spot for you, rather than a specific pup at this time, then at 7 wks, specific pup is confirmed post temperament test through consultation with you.) If you've already sent a deposit, you're on the confirmed owner list. Deposit is fully refundable if we find at the 7 wk temperament test that we don't have a pup that's suitable for your needs.

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