Lots of changes this week. Pups' teeth fully erupted, noticeably pointed; Mama Jazz objected & has started to wean them.
(For those who are unfamiliar, this is Jazz demonstrating the classic ES stink eye, lol :p Those sharp little puppy teeth are not so welcome...)
We've begun to add a soupy kibble mash to their daily diet & re-arranged their abode with a potty area. We introduced them to the wonders of pre-training today as well.

We ended up postponing tackling the DNA testing until Monday so that they would be fresher for mailing on Tuesday, having the business week to reach their destination. Initially I had hoped to do them on Sunday, but freezing rain was forecast and occurred, leaving the highways in skating rink condition. Thankfully the roads were passable briefly on Tuesday (until the next rainfall), so we were able to get them mailed off in good order. Taking DNA samples entails separating each of the dogs and pups from one another and from food for a minimum of an hour, taking 3 swabs 30 seconds in length each per pup, and same for each of the possible adults. Not surprisingly, nobody was particularly happy with the process! Here's a short video of some of the pups in their individual crates. Aren't you happy it's short?! lol They actually did each settle down and go to sleep part way through, but the experience was definitely a learning curve for them.
(As always, click on any video after it's opened in a new window to access the full clip.)
Here's a 4 minute video taken on Sunday, showing the pups starting to establish hierarchy, working on their mobility, and even starting to notice me (a bit).
Pups playing & exploring their new potty area Nov 27, 2018
Pups' growth rate has slowed a bit this week but they've reached big milestones in regards to abilities - full hearing, better sight, better mobility, and teeth developed enough to start expanding their dietary experience into the food zone. They have also started exploring and socializing more with each other & us humans. All of the pups lay quietly while being weighed today. Blue Chowder went from the smallest male last week to 2nd in line for biggest this week. Purple Candy remains the smallest pup. Largest pup last week, Pink Cookie, was surpassed in size by all of her brothers. And Gold Ceasar won the chub champ award this time 'round.
Here's a video of Jazz & the pups on Tuesday. And a short clip of the pups waiting pretty quietly in their crate for a LONG time while I created a potty area for them. The pups were crated for a third time today so that I could train and feed each pup individually. After a short while of complaining, they all fell asleep. All pups have been given Baycox as a preventative measure. They will also be dewormed this coming week.
Individual puppy pics (Day 29)
Blue = Chowder (m) - Available
Chowder likes to make eye contact. He's friendly, cheerful, eager to train, socialize, scarf the food & explore. He wasn't fazed at all by the slippery lino. He's also one of the few pups that noticeably shifts his head to follow my hand movements. He still has baby blue eyes, but I suspect they'll still turn brown- just a bit slower to change than his siblings. This boy may give Ceasar a run for his money in the stud department.
Green = Cider (m) - Available Cider also likes to communicate & make eye contact; he's friendly, playful, and a bit more talkative when he gets excited about something. He, like all the pups, was eager to train & chow down. He wasn't too concerned about the lino. I don't know if this guy is going to become a dark shaded sable or be a saddleback sable.
Pink = Cookie (f) - Reserved Like the Pink from the previous litter, this girl *may* stay tri color. But no guarantees! Cookie is a tiny bit more independent minded than some of the other pups. She likes to play but more for her own entertainment at this point, than to play with me. That being said, she trained eagerly although she cried a bit in frustration when she, briefly, lost track of my food goo'd hand. She's a thoughtful pup that chooses to reserve her judgment for after she's assessed a given situation.
Purple = Candy (f) - Reserved Candy appears to be turning into a saddleback sable. She's a bit more cautious and opinionated than the other pups at this stage. A bit more hesitant to explore, she still ends up doing so. She's getting some extra cuddle time to help her acclimate to being handled. We had a couple of pups like this in the previous litter and they all rounded out over time. Candy loved the food and cooperated well with the training.
Silver = Carver (m) Available While almost all young pups find new experiences stressful, Carver finds some new situations a little bit more disconcerting than some of the other pups, vocalizing his feelings on occasion. Like Candy, he is getting some extra cuddle time to help him become more confident. During today's cuddle, he relaxed and had a snooze on his back in my arms (see last pic). He trained well, was enthralled by the food, and attempted to communicate with me, although on a more subtle level than some of the more extroverted pups. I think as he gains competency with the tasks given him, he will become more self-assured.
Gold = Ceasar (m) Available
Ceasar continues to be outgoing and gregarious. His tail wags a mile a minute, he makes eye contact and strives to play with me. He trained eagerly and with gusto. He was a tiny bit more hesitant than Chowder to start exploring the slippery lino, but once begun, he continued on his way.
This gorgeous boy is looking more & more like stud material. If he continues to develop as I hope, he will be looking for a co-own or breeding situation.
At this point, there are 4 male spots available. If you're interested in this litter (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form. If you've filled out a form and have decided you definitely want a pup (subject to suitable temperament test), please contact me to arrange a deposit to hold your spot. (Since girl spots are already reserved, a deposit holds a boy spot for you, rather than a specific pup at this time, then at 7 wks, specific pup is confirmed post temperament test through consultation with you.) If you've already sent a deposit, you're on the confirmed owner list. Deposit is fully refundable if we find at the 7 wk temperament test that we don't have a pup that's suitable for your needs. In addition, since we are currently awaiting DNA results for the sire(s) of this litter, if the pups do not end up being fully ES, you will have the option to move your deposit to the wait list of another litter or have it refunded with no penalty. However, due to growth rates, color, temperament traits, I'm pretty confident that they are fully ES.