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Monty x Jazz Pups Week 2

Our lovely litter is 2 weeks old today, and their beautiful mama turned 4 years old as well :) Pups' eyes opened this past week. Blue was the earliest at 8 days of age! By 12 days, all were open. Everyone is starting to be more mobile, teetering around briefly on all fours before toppling over. **As with all video links, click on video once link opens to get full pic & sound**

Jazz is nursing them while sitting up more and more frequently. I started doing some Early Neurological Stimulation with the pups this week. The only discrepancies between myself and the video is that I do not do the cold cloth because I feel that the weigh scale is cold enough in and of itself, and pups get their dose of MegaC while in the supine position. We had company on the weekend. It was good socialization time for the pups as well as gave me good insight as to how Jazz would respond as a new mom to people with whom she's not very familiar. I was really impressed with her demeanor when our son's gf went and got a puppy to hold. Jazz had seen us give her a pup prior, but partway through the evening, the gf took a hungry pup back to Jazz and picked up another; Jazz was watchful but responded very graciously. :) Good thing because I was across the room when I realized what was happening and could not have done anything if Jazz had taken offense. But, she was her typical lovely self <3

As happens regularly, pups got to share a heated basket while their nest bedding got changed today. They're getting big enough we'll be moving them to a crate for this activity soon.

Here's a short video of the pups in their newly cleaned nest. Nest cleaning requires that pups are away from their dam and dinner for a fair chunk of time, so they're pretty vocal by the time I'm taking video. However, although the snippets of video would seem otherwise, they're really not always noisy. Here they are playing a bit while Jazz is eating some dinner tonight. They had recently finished eating, so for the most part are not crying. Click on pics to view in bigger screen: Blue tri color (m) 1117g

Red tri color (f) 1140 g

Pink tri color (f) 1292 g

Green tri color (m) 1034g

Peach tri color (m) 1307g

Silver tri color (m) 1264g

Opal (f) 1426g (this girl appears to be the only saddleback sable atm)

Gold tri color (m) 1135g

My list is filling quickly. If you're interested in this litter (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form. If you've filled out a form and have decided you definitely want a pup (subject to suitable temperament test), please contact me to arrange deposit to hold your spot. (Deposit holds either a girl or boy spot for you, rather than a specific pup at this time, then at 7 wks, specific pup is confirmed through consultation with you.) If you've already sent a deposit, you're on the confirmed owner list. Deposit is fully refundable if we find at the 7 wk temperament test that we don't have a pup that's suitable for your needs.


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