Blue (m) is 20 weeks old & 28.5 lbs today. He knows sit, come, up, off, on, down through, place, touch, watch, in, out, turn, spin, roll over... (these, of course, still need to be generalized to a variety of situations and distraction levels. He's well started, not finished!) Blue is currently working on wait, easy, that'll do, leave it.

He's a beautiful boy. I'm looking for a breeder or breeding agreement home for him.

Extremely smart, Blue learned the roll-over command in the first lesson, on only the second try! Over two weeks later, he rolled over repeatedly on command even though I hadn't done a single roll over lesson with him since. (Click underlined phrase to open video)

We spent some one on one time outside today, too.
The wind was blowing strongly, he's NOT prick eared, lol.
I took Blue down to the pasture on this beautiful, warm winter day for some individual exposure to our livestock and poultry. He thought it was great fun and was quite enthusiastic about the whole experience. Unfortunately, due to his fairly unbridled enthusiasm & the fact that I'm still awaiting surgery for my arm, I cannot do this with him on a regular basis. However, we had a lovely time while we could :) Blue moving bucklings for the first time, at 20 weeks

I've started doing a little bit of crate training with Blue- NOT a lot due to my injury, but he is getting some time in the crate and doing well. Blue crate training at 20 weeks- lesson start & finish
Blue is such a sweetheart and yet such a character. He's a fun pup. :) To complement his whimsical ways, he has a quirky swirl of hair on his backside, easily seen in the picture below.


Silver is pending, but I will include her pics and videos anyway.
She also went for an individual excursion to the barnyard today. Being Silver, she was capable of being off leash amidst the livestock without issues. The one time there was a rooster chasing a hen, she started to pursue but called off easily.

Showing interest in the poultry. >>

(click underlined phrase to open video)

<< Playing with our 9 year old labx, Skye.
Silver enjoys retrieving. Here she is picking up and bringing a glove to me.

Silver 'coming' to me off leash.