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Monty x Jazz Pups Week 3

At three weeks of age, the pups are starting to desire to use a potty area (see picture and explanation below), so I revamped their space to include the wood pellet sled. It will take a few days for them to discover it and start to use it more regularly, but we've already had one make use of it for #2. (Yeah, I know, only a breeder could get excited about seeing that, so I'll save you the pic, but it's a really good start on the potty training journey :) )

The nest prior to cleaning & re-organization. Note that one side is mostly dry, and the other is damp. This indicates to me that pups are starting to search for an area to relieve themselves apart from their sleeping quarters.

Starting the revamp... I removed all previous items then washed the poly that protects the duvet cover. This was then covered with a mattress protector.

Pups are old enough to no longer need a heating pad, so an absorbent towel was placed, then a twin sheet, followed by the rubber underlay.

I had to re-design the fencing for the space to accommodate the potty area. Wood pellets were used in the sled. Then, I placed a pee soaked towel I'd saved from the nest over the wood pellets to attract pups to the area.

With this design, Jazz is able to hop in to nurse the pups as well as still have a sleeping and eating area apart from them. A thin layer of pellets was placed over top of the towel to allow pups to adapt to the potty surface and to help reduce tracking of materials back onto the nest.

I've removed the pig rails to allow for more space for the growing pups.

Here the pups are checking out their new potty area for the first time.

On April 5th, we noticed that the pups have hearing :) I was holding Gold and made a soft kissing noise. He perked his ears, sat up and *looked* at me incredulously. <3 Wish I could have caught that on video! Since pups are now able to observe their world, I lifted up a portion of the den tarp so they have more exposure to our sounds and movements.

Pups are starting to play a bit, growling and barking as they tussle with one another. This Video was taken April 6th; they become stronger and more active every day. See today's video :) **As with all video links, click on video once link opens to get full pic & sound**

Jazz is starting to nurse the pups standing up on occasion but I haven't succeeded in getting a nice picture of that yet. Day 16 was the final day of Early Neurological Stimulation with the pups. However, MegaC continues to be given; the pups are becoming more and more accepting of the supine position for that activity. Click on pics to view in bigger screen: Blue tri color (m) 1790g

Red tri color (f) 1665 g

Pink tri color (f) 1825 g

Green tri color (m) 1490g

Peach tri color (m) 1860g

Silver tri color (m) 1845g

Opal (f) 2015g (this girl appears to be the only saddleback sable atm) Opal views photo sessions as nap times, lol

Gold tri color (m) 1654g

My list is filling quickly. If you're interested in this litter (or want to be on a wait list for a future litter), please fill out our Application Form. If you've filled out a form and have decided you definitely want a pup (subject to suitable temperament test), please contact me to arrange deposit to hold your spot. (Deposit holds either a girl or boy spot for you, rather than a specific pup at this time, then at 7 wks, specific pup is confirmed through consultation with you.) If you've already sent a deposit, you're on the confirmed owner list. Deposit is fully refundable if we find at the 7 wk temperament test that we don't have a pup that's suitable for your needs.


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