Results arrived WAY quicker than I was originally told they would. This means all the pups are purebred, registerable English Shepherds :)

Jazz Pups Week 5
Pups are eating mush regularly now. Mama Jazz is spending less and less time with them, and enjoying more freedom outside. Very thankful...

Jazz Pups Week 4
Lots of changes this week. Pups' teeth fully erupted, noticeably pointed; Mama Jazz objected & has started to wean them. (For those who...

Jazz Pups Week 3
Jazzy pups are 3 weeks old today :) They are becoming more active and starting to play a bit with one another. I snapped the above pic,...

Jazz Pups Week 2
Jazzy pups are 2 weeks old today :) This devoted Mama is starting to sometimes nurse the pups while in a sitting position. We ordered...

Well... so much has happened since I wrote last! I need to write updates on Laddie & Opal yet, but it will have to wait until life...

Monty x Jazz Pups Weeks 7-11
The past few weeks have been crazy with kidding, socialization, temperament tests, trip to vet for wellness check & vaccinations, a...

Monty x Jazz Pups Week 6
We did "6 wk" training videos on Saturday instead of Monday because we were heading into what's likely to be a busy kidding week and I...

Monty x Jazz Pups Week 5
Silver ^^ We were a bit delayed posting this week due to internet issues. Thankfully, we were able to work things out with our helpful...

Monty x Jazz Pups Week 4
Jazz has started prepping the pups for weaning this week, standing for feedings, and spending longer periods of time away from the nest,...