
Sunnyside ES
Sep 17, 2019
Laddie - Kittens & Marker Training
Laddie is a sweet, loyal boy. He is, however, still learning about proper etiquette with our new kittens, since he's almost 2 and these...

Sunnyside ES
Sep 17, 2019
Laddie Herding
If any of you read my previous Blog about Laddie herding (Jul 7), you'll know that Laddie had had a successful run-in with an escapee...

Sunnyside ES
Jul 30, 2019
Opal Meets Kittens
Yesterday we introduced Opal to our new kittens. We haven't had cats for a couple of years, so neither she nor Laddie have ever met any...

Sunnyside ES
Jul 7, 2019
A Day in the Life of Laddie & Opal
Another "oh I wish that I had a video" moment happened yesterday. 20 mos old Laddie (Chisum Boreland x Maisie Boreland) helped me move...

Sunnyside ES
Feb 16, 2018
Life & Training with Laddie, 18 weeks
Life with Laddie continues to be a joy. He is attentive, calm, eager to learn, sweet-natured. Not to mention, gorgeous :) He turned 4...

Sunnyside ES
Feb 3, 2018
Laddie, ITD application, 15-16 weeks of age
Laddie has been doing 'place' (Peekaboo) so well that I thought I'd add a bit more difficulty and teach him to walk along in that...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 27, 2018
Life & Training with Laddie, almost 15 weeks
Laddie turns 15 weeks tomorrow and weighs in at 26.9 lbs. Working with Laddie is such a privilege (most of the time, anyway, lol :p He...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 15, 2018
Life & Training with Laddie, 13 weeks
It warmed up a few times in the last couple of weeks, so we took advantage of the lull from -40* weather and spent some time outside. Jan...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 4, 2018
A Week in the Life of Laddie
Laddie has had several outings recently. On New Years he met some friends of ours (& their new 10 wk old puppy). He traveled for hours in...

Sunnyside ES
Dec 30, 2017
Training Laddie, almost 11 weeks old
Some videos of Laddie's training Dec 29th evening (click on the underlined links to view): Training run 1 Training run 2 Not perfect-...

Sunnyside ES
Oct 27, 2016
Puppies, Puppies, Puppies!
Misty & King's puppies are 4 weeks old today! Raised in our kitchen, they are continuously exposed to the sounds of everyday household...

Sunnyside ES
Apr 20, 2016
Chore Champ
Gotta rave about Jazz. For a long time she lacked confidence in the barnyard, so daunted by the goats after getting pummeled by one as a...

Sunnyside ES
Apr 9, 2016
Welcoming Monty
Here's Monty, our son of Husted's Trib to Johnny 'Cash'. We're hoping he will be Jazz's beau. We got him Apr 2 (first 4 pics are from...

Sunnyside ES
Feb 6, 2016
She's got my back :)
Claustrophobia. Have you ever been surrounded by a herd of does, each averaging about 150 lbs? Pressing, crowding, climbing on you to try...

Sunnyside ES
Jan 11, 2016
Socializing King
As some of you may know, I became very ill last year shortly after bringing Misty & King home. I ended up bedridden for the majority of 3...