Aug 24 was Trey's first time EVER in town on the ground, and the first time in the crate / vehicle since he was taken for his shot at ~12 weeks old. He was highly interested in all the new sights, scents and sounds. Friendly and wanted to meet everyone. It took a couple tries, but he successfully completed a short sit stay.
I'm sooo late in getting this done, but this past year has been ... a year, lol. Hopefully we'll get a few more trips in before winter!
First time heeling on the ground in town, in a busy parking lot, with people loading groceries and a crying baby. It was a messy heel - lots of weaving in and out, and walking sideways while he tried to investigate everything - especially the truck with the baby. Given all the firsts in one experience, this is NOT unexpected, lol. Even still, he was still aware of me and what he was being asked to do. Overall I was very pleased; although his obedience wasn't perfect, he was friendly, curious and interested, not fearful.
Just sitting and observing people / child near the carts. Some heelwork / minor trust challenge in the park. I was really hoping there would be children playing there, but think I'll have to go on a weekend.
Another heeling session, heading over to watch the construction for a nearby bridge. I tried to speed up part of the video, but it would either speed up the entire thing, or none at all. Will have to try to find another editor for that.
Resting in the shade, just observing and listening to vehicles and construction.
Trey & I then went for a walk out to the main thoroughfare, crossed at 2 lights, and walked along a sidewalk on the bridge being constructed. There is no railing or divider between the sidewalk and traffic. This is the one place that Trey showed unease. He didn't freak out, but when a vehicle would go by, he would break his heel and walk behind me rather than between me and the traffic. He was stressed enough that he wouldn't take a treat in the moment when actually heeling, so I moved off the bridge, placed him in a sit / stay a few feet further back from the street, and offered him a treat again, which he took. So, he was able to bounce back quickly, but definitely out of his comfort zone right beside traffic. To be fair... vehicles ARE dangerous, and it shows intelligence that he wasn't comfortable with them being so close. I think it will take time and several safe crossings before he'll be more at ease. Not bad for a first experience though. (No vid, sorry. My videographer had gone elsewhere on an errand, and I was too focused on watching and responding to Trey to get out my phone).
We then left the busy street and went back to the park to cool off in the shade again. While Trey & I were relaxing there, an elderly man approached us in an electric scooter. Completely silent on the grass, and came up right behind where Trey was lying, so he didn't notice him until the man spoke. Trey was interested and friendly in his response, not startled at all, which was wonderful. I got up to speak with him, and after the first cheerful nosing, waggy petting session, he settled into a voluntary down while we continued to chat. I was very pleased.
We got home and did a 'wait' at the top of the steps - as always. ALL our dogs are taught to wait for people to get to the bottom before being released so no grandparents or visiting children get bowled off their feet. It's a bit wild and weedy but I'm loving my flowers this late in the fall
On Sept 6 I took him out for another heeling lesson just in the yard, with Jazz present.
and brushing (Didn't vid that, results - see main pic).
Through no fault of his own I haven't been advertising him since early spring because I wanted to take him to town and observe him in a variety of scenarios. Dogs can be very different at home from elsewhere, so I didn't want to assume that the biddable, friendly pup I'm seeing here would transfer, but I was happy with the outcome. He's a young dog with more training and proofing to do, but he's got a good start on him.
UPDATE: Trey has found a home.
Pics ^ Trey Jun 24, 2022 to Sept 6, 2022