How time flies! Our weeks have been filled with puppies, regular chores, birthdays, relatives, and the various unexpected events and adventures that occur with livestock and animals.
Blaze left for his new home last weekend, and Spot is due to leave this weekend.

If anyone wants either Trey or Copper to hitch a ride along the way to Edmonton please contact me TODAY. It's a GREAT way to reduce shipping fees.
Copper socializing >

<Trey socializing
This past couple of weeks we've mainly focused on socializing, crate time, some sound desensitization (sorry - no vids this time around but they've had exposure to a variety of noises from kids screeching in play to babies crying to crowds to tractor / machinery / airplanes, fireworks, sirens, traffic, cats, and clippers, to name a few.
They even got a chance to hang out with goat kids again (more on that later).
Copper, Spot (above), Trey (below) crate time Feb 26, 2022. They've grown so quickly, we had to change to bigger crates the next day.
Shown on Mar 2 in second pic, L-R Spot, Copper (bottom), Trey (top).
Please NOTE **with all videos, click on the bold green link, then click on the thumbnail to open fully**
Here's a vid of Copper crate training.
And one of Trey (bit of whining in the background was his bros, who thought they were missing out, lol).
I've been introducing pups this week to a smaller litter box for traveling, along with collar and leash. They are beginning to grasp the 'go potty' command.
Below are a couple of vids of them walking with me outside.
I was happy to see they took to the leash without balking.
Trey was the middle pup for the outside walk and I somehow missed grabbing a vid of him - likely something else was going on at the time that I had to deal with.
Copper, Spot, then 2 pics of Trey ^
The pups also continue to enjoy their mobile play station. Here Copper and Spot were playing Feb 15. I love how completely unfazed they are with the different surfaces - all the clattering noises, running through the pan and cookie sheet and over the edge of the potty box with toys swinging noisily, completely undeterred. Blaze and Trey were getting some crate exposure in the living room at the time.
Later that day I introduced a muffin tin turned both upside and down, which meant it was a very uneven surface that clattered, tipped and moved under foot. None of the puppies had any issue with their first exposure; I was so pleased.
I also introduced a cardboard box tunnel during marker training. Spot was the only one who had a bit of hesitancy with it. He wasn't scared of it, he just chose instead to try to go around it (that's troubleshooting ;) ) Much easier to do than having to partially lay down to crawl through. But, he did eventually do it several times.
The next time I marker trained, Feb 18th, I used a chair with blanket, so the tunnel was taller. There was no hesitation with any of them. Here was Copper marker training 8.5 weeks old, with the chair.
Then Trey
And Spot
(There is also a newer marker training vid under each puppy's individual description below).
Feb 23rd. This is the group of pups out on the living room floor for the second time in their life, with our sons whom they'd only met briefly once before, and new toys too. None of the pups was super focused on obedience here (and it wasn't expected) they were just delighting in all the new adventures, lol. WAY too much distraction for much listening at this age. But, definitely not perturbed by the experience!
Introducing a brand new item to the mix.
And a calmer video once pups had gotten over their zoomies from all the excitement.
Farm / Outdoor Excursions:
Pups down in the barnyard playing in the snow Feb 25 with Argos & Kohar.
Here is a video of Copper, Trey and Spot Feb 25 getting some exposure to goats kids along with Kohar, one of our livestock guardian dogs (LGD).
My lovely herding competition fellow breeder, Caroline Betts from Middle Tree Farms once again gave me feedback on these pups:
Feb 27 they got a chance to go outside and play with their mom in the snow after crate time. It was pretty chilly for indoor pups, around -6*. (It seemed in the vid like I asked Misty if she was chilly - she wasn't, lol - but I was actually reaching down to pet a pup when I said that.) Copper was the last one to finish his crate time, so didn't get to spend as long in the snow as his bros did. The goats and pigs share an adjoining fence to this pen, so although the pups didn't go next to the fence due to the deep snow, they at least got a chance to hear a variety of barnyard sounds.
Puppy weights almost 10 wks, Feb 26, 2022:
Copper, a very solid 20 lbs, Trey, a close runner up. Spot's a fluffy lighter boy.
Puppy weights 8.5 wks, Feb 18, 2022:
Copper & Trey were neck and neck.
Puppy weights 7 wks, Jan 31, 2022:
Copper is the heavyweight with Trey runner up. Spot remains the lightest.
Pups have had nails clipped, dewormed, and continued full body handling (feet, tails, bellies, ears).
Pics of individual pups
PLEASE NOTE: Once again, these videos are a glimpse of a moment in time and not the full picture. Take them along with the other videos, pictures and descriptions you've seen to form a more well-rounded idea.

1) Trey (m) Tri-color - Available
This boy was supposed to go to the States, but through no fault of his own has ended up available again.
Trey no longer minds being picked up; he's come to realize that it means we're going on an adventure. He is a sweet softy who likes nothing better than to cuddle up to me and gaze soulfully into my eyes while I pet him, and he wags cheerfully when he's meeting new people. He ran to the strange temperament tester and cuddled up to her with a very waggy, submissive down. He retrieved during his test. He has toy drive. He went through a period where he was more reactive to new things within his familiar zone and more outgoing in strange places (he voluntarily approached and went nose to nose with the duck in the herding test). However, he is less concerned about new things even in his familiar spaces now - in fact when I introduced a muffin tin and a cardboard box tunnel, then a chair tunnel with blanket in the past couple of weeks, he didn't have any issues engaging with them. (The awareness of what is normal in their own territory is very much a herding dog trait - they are very attuned to changes in body language and known surroundings. This gives them the ability to read and react appropriately to stock and other situations.) Trey is a sweet, lover boy who will do best with an owner with some dog experience who knows how to continue building his confidence and socializing him through many pleasant new experiences both at home and elsewhere to take him to his full potential. He has already come a long way and is fun to work with. He LOVES food, and toys. He, like his bros, is interested in working with me, and making eye contact. And, like Spot, he was a mid-range pup for scenting during the ESI protocols.

2) Copper (m) Shaded sable -
This boy was supposed to go to the States twice over, but through no fault of his own, he's available again.
While he definitely follows his nose, Copper had the most neutral reaction to scents during the ESI protocols. He is social - outgoing and friendly with known people - but slightly more aloof with strangers. However he warms up quite quickly, although is not as overtly demonstrative as his bros. He's self-contained (yet playful); something the tester said about him was, "he's so calm". I think he's the classic example of an 'old soul' pup - at least until I bring the vacuum or broom out, then he needs to chase with gusto, lol. He retrieved during the temperament test.
As you probably noticed in the various videos of all the pups in earlier blogs, when he was younger he was quite pushy with his bros. A bit of a bulldozer, he wants all the attention, but is learning that he isn't rewarded for such, so that tendency is reducing. (It's never in an aggressive way, either - just body blocking type maneuvers.) I believe he's the calm yet austere leader of the pack; no need to be reactive and on the prod, he just quietly takes over.
Of note, his temperament test did not indicate any interest in challenging people.
He will continue to blossom into an amazing dog with an experienced dog owner who knows how to be the kind yet firm and consistent leader he needs to shape him. Imo, he will take advantage of anyone who is a pushover. He is exceedingly smart - always the first to troubleshoot a scenario and figure a way out. He has the most instinct with stock of all the pups. (In addition to ducks, he was the ONLY one who ventured to try to meet & sniff the goat kids on his own during the FIRST goat kid test ~7 weeks of age, and voluntarily moved them briefly several times. He'll be a lot of dog, but so worth it!
I would prefer to place Copper as a stud but he will be placed in a working or companion home if that opportunity doesn't arise.

3) Spot (m) Tri color - SOLD & shipped
This boy was the quickest to interact with the mobile play box, and tackled the toys with gusto. He works with me during marker training and generally takes new situations well - not quite as calm as Copper, but more extrovert than Trey or Blaze. He wags his tail when I'm holding him. He eagerly greeted the tester, tail wagging. He retrieved in the test, and has some herding drive. A middle of the road pup in regards to ESI. This boy also possesses potential breeding quality. He's a nice, even keeled, friendly, thinker type of pup.
And Playing Tug
4) Blaze SOLD & Shipped
We currently have 1 - pup left available. Anyone interested in Trey, please contact us & fill out our application form.