**with all videos, click on the green link, then click on the thumbnail to open fully**
Not only do all pups have eyes wide open this week, but on Jan 6, they indicated they could hear. :)
Since then, the radio has been turned on daily (but off at night) to help expose them to different voices and sounds.

Puppies have increased their mobility from shaky waddling earlier in the week to traversing more confidently by Sunday night.
I'm loving how they're starting to realize that the world is bigger than mom, and the spark of human / puppy interactions has kindled.

These boys are strong enough to be up on hind legs now
The pups & I finished the last 2 days of ENS (Early Neurological Stimulation) and ESI (Early Scent Introduction) protocols on Jan 5.
More info on the protocols we do here.

Unlike with previous litters, Misty is still sitting to feed the pups this week. Likely because with only 4 pups, they aren't crowding themselves out yet, so it's still comfortable to sit rather than bothering to stand.
Puppy weights 3 wks, Jan 10, 2022:
The pups are amazingly uniform this week. Spot is the smallest, but not by much! All growing so swiftly with such little competition at the milk bar.
Puppy weights 2 wk, Jan 3, 2022:
Pics of individual pups.
PLEASE NOTE: Any temperament observations are EXTREMELY preliminary and fluid at this young age.
1) Blaze (m) Black & White (B/W) - Along with three of his brothers, is slightly more reactive to change thus far. He also had a more sensitive nose - very interested in all scents during ESI.
2) Trey (m) Tri-color - he's also slightly more reactive to change than a couple of his brothers at this stage. And, like Spot, a mid-range pup for scenting during the ESI protocols. Video clip
3) Copper (m) Shaded sable - no longer the slothful slug of the previous 2 weeks, this boy is a bit faster moving than his bros, and a bit less reactive to new situations thus far. He appears bigger than his brothers, yet weighs the same. He also had the least sensitive nose (neutral to almost everything, with the exception of a few) during the ESI protocols.
4) Spot (m) Tri color - Up until recently, this boy was a bit less reactive to new situations, but, similar to most of his bros at this stage, is finding new things a little less comfortable (eyes make for the realization that the world is bigger than expected). This is very typical of this age. A middle of the road pup in regards to ESI.
We currently have 3 puppy spots left available. Anyone interested in reserving a spot for this litter, or being on our wait list for future litters, please contact us & fill out our application form.