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Located in the beautiful Canadian Peace Country, we raise purebred Boers & Nubians. In 2018, we also purchased of a couple of lovely polled ND bucklings & a gorgeous, wide ND doeling from Wonderland Nigerians. We believe an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Thus, ALL our goats have tested clear of CAE, CL, and Johne's. We aim to test for CAE & Johne's every 12-18 months, especially goats that were too young to screen the previous time. ALL newcomers are placed in quarantine and screened for all 3 diseases prior to being added to the herd. (After the initial intake screen, CL tests only occur if an abscess arises.) Any newly added, previously bred goats are also screened for Brucellosis while in quarantine. Our Nubians have all tested negative for G6S (or are G6S normal by parentage). In addition, our foundation adult Nubian Does were tested clear of Brucellosis, TB and Salmonella.

Please view the pictures below to see our some of our test results. It had been a while since our last batch of herd screening tests, so on Nov 18, 2016 we had the vet out to draw blood from all goats 18 months and older to test for Johne's (results are not reliable prior to 18 months of age), and at the same time also tested the majority for CAE- particularly those that were young kids or yearlings the last time we tested. We also had one goat with a lump that we tested for CL. EVERYTHING came back negative :) The lump was simply an infection that needed to be lanced & treated.

Previous years' results can be found on our fb page.

Our goals for our Boers are to do our best to raise healthy, hardy, fast growing, well built goats that do well on pasture / hay without much grain supplementation... so, we don't force our goats.

For our Nubians, we hope to continue breeding the large, deep body that gives them the capacity to take in enough feed to produce large volumes of milk, while at the same time being able to maintain themselves. Our Nigerians have been purchased from a herd that focuses on show quality and milk production. We aim to offer cute companions while retaining the quality that is capable of winning in the show ring. Our polled bucks will mainly be used on our first freshener Nubians & Boers for quicker evaluation purposes. This means we should have the occasional mini Nubian or mini Boer on offer. We're focusing on quality not quantity but we have several gorgeous kids to pick from this year :) Please see our Reservation & Sales pages. We're also one of the few breeders that offers our buyers a health guarantee. As for color- it's sweet icing on the cake. Not only do we have goats, but we also breed registered English Shepherds. See we're not just about goats for links and info. Stay a while. Hope you enjoy the visit!

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