Swan Ridge
WE will happily add you to our free waiting list. This simply means that if you send us a request along with your email address, we will contact you once kidding has started so you can decide at that time if there is something you're interested in.
Please BE AWARE that it DOES NOT hold a place for you in the purchase line-up, nor does it guarantee you the ability to pick a kid from a breeding pair of your choice, nor does it lock in the kid's price.
Those perks only come with a Reservation.

Reserving a Kid
Occasionally we have a bottle baby. Bottle kids are available at 4 weeks of age, which is an advantage if you are shipping, due to lower air fare.
The balance on reserved kids is due at 12 weeks of age (or in the case of a reserved bottle baby- at 4 weeks). Animals must be paid for in full before leaving the farm.
Payment may be paid via e-transfer, cash or by certified cheque. (Please contact us for info to fill out cheque)
Arrangements and payment for transport are the responsibility of the purchaser.
We will do our best to accommodate reasonable requests.
Currently we're able to fly young kids locally via Central Mountain Air to Prince George, Kamloops or the Lower Mainland.
All other destinations must be accessed via airlines out of Edmonton AB, or Prince George, BC airports.
Delivery may be possible for a fee (it will be more economical if you're able to co-ship with other customers' animals), as we are ~6 hrs away from said airports (stops for animal care inclusive). All crate & airline fees are the responsibility of the purchaser.
Truck transporter delivery is regularly available at this time through Blacksmith Equine Transport. Please contact us for more details.
You have two (2) weeks from the date of sale to pick up or arrange shipping.
We keep our kids to a minimum of 12 weeks of age in order to ensure they have the most vigorous and healthy start to life.
Any reserved kid that remains unpaid and / or unshipped three (3) weeks after they're fit to ship/load (unless special arrangements have been agreed to) may be resold to another buyer and any monies paid forfeited.
In the case of kids that are fully paid for but remain longer than the original ship date, a boarding fee of $5 per animal/per day will apply - UNLESS previous arrangements have been made.
We are not financially responsible for the medical expenses of a fully purchased animal either before or after it leaves our care - though we make diligent efforts to maintain each animal's health.
Prices on unreserved kids are subject to change without notice.
By placing a deposit for one of our kids, you are signalling your acceptance of our sales policy.
You may reserve a kid from Swan Ridge Goats by sending a $50 deposit per kid ordered- in utero or post birth. We recommend, but do not require, a first and second choice per deposit if prior to kidding.
Please contact us to confirm the availability of your choice of kid before sending a deposit. A reservation for a doe/buck kid is awarded when the deposit money is received.
A deposit is required to hold your choice of breeding. If we do not produce the doe/buck kid requested, your deposit will either be returned to you, or transferred to another order, whichever is your choice.
We reserve the right to select animals for our herd's needs. Buyers may, if a reserved animal is either not born, is injured or ill while under our care, or is retained by us, move the reservation to another animal, move it to the following year, or have it returned in full.
If a reservation is changed to a different animal, previous reservations for that doe/buck take priority. First-choice reservations are given preference. If I have extra kids born, they will be offered first to customers whose reservations could not be filled.
We reserve the right to cancel any sale at any point in the transaction - in which case your full deposit and any monies paid will be returned in full.
However, if you simply cancel an order, your deposit is not refundable.
We dam raise our kids as we feel this gives them the best possible start. Kids are ready to go when weaned around 3 months old.
We typically disbud all Nubian kids. However, life gets past us at times, so we occasionally have a kid or two available with horns.
We generally leave all Boers horned. However, we will disbud Boers upon request IF reserved prior to 7 days of age. There's a $10 fee for disbudding.
(We Do NOT guarantee scurs will not occur after disbudding, although we do our best to prevent it).
All register-able kids are tattooed (& tagged if required) before they leave Swan Ridge.
We typically do NOT vaccinate since we don't want to add the stress of vaccination to the already stressful weaning & transporting processes, but will do so *at buyers request* IF there is time to safely do so & recover before buyer pick up. We aim to have their hooves trimmed before they leave for their new homes as well.
All register-able kids will be registered with the CLRC. While we strive to transfer registered animals with the CLRC within 90 days of sale, sometimes issues beyond our control - like postal strikes and CLRC revamps - cause delays. In any case, we will strive to execute the transfer of ownership registration under the requirements of the Canadian Livestock Registration Corporation within 6 months of purchase.
**In order to do so, we will need your full name and mailing address.
We breed from tested stock. Further required or requested laboratory tests are the financial responsibility of the buyer.
Our goats are guaranteed healthy when they leave our farm but because we can not control the stress of shipping and the animal's management or environment after it leaves our care, we can not offer further health guarantees beyond those already stipulated in our health guarantee. All sales are final; for bio-security reasons, we cannot have goats return to our farm once they have left the property.
Please ensure you bring appropriate transportation for your animals. An enclosed or tarped crate with fresh, dry and clean bedding is the best option if transporting outside your vehicle (goats are susceptible to drafts, so please, NO open wire crates in the back of pickups unless it's a short trip).