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Swan Ridge
We had purebred, registered Nubians as well as a couple of registered, polled Nigerian Dwarf bucks & a lovely, wide purebred ND doeling.
We offered both polled Mini Nubians and purebred ND kids from those breedings.
A spinoff of having polled ND bucks is that we also bred them to our young Boer girls. We kidded late in the season due to our extreme winters, resulting in young stock that was typically too immature to expect them to carry full size Boer kids until the following year. While breeding to NDs created Mini Boers, our main purpose for doing so was to get our younger stock into production faster, so that we could obtain feedback on them at a more efficient rate. We found that very helpful.

Some of the Nubian kids May 2018
Galaxy, Starlight, Mr. PhD

Some of the Nubian kids May 2018
Galaxy, Starlight, Mr. PhD

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