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Opal x Laddie Independence Day Pups!! Week 1

Sunnyside ES

As the title infers, first time mama Opal whelped a lovely, large batch of 11 pups by Laddie on July 4, 2021. Although one was stillborn, we were blessed with 10 beautiful babies, 5b & 5g.

A clip of Opal10 days prior to whelping,

Here's a video of her response to the vet's office during her pregnancy check Jun 25, 2021. **with all videos, click on the link, then click on the thumbnail to open fully**

July 4 whelping - In between pups, above ^^

Puppy milk comas Jul 6, 2021 ^^

It has been a busy week. Opal got a touch of mastitis in one teat. We caught it early but she reacted to the first brand of antibiotics by becoming anorexic. However, once we moved her onto a different type, she improved greatly and is now back to eating and drinking. Here we were icing Opal's teat.

Opal was NOT impressed, lol.

And giving her sub Q liquids. (Turn your sound down a wee bit.

The fan noise comes across very loud in the vid for some reason.) Opal has been amazingly patient! Never struggling or fighting me with the various treatments we've been having to do.

And, I'm happy to report that Opal's teat appears to have fully resolved, ptL.

We did some bottle supplementation during that time using Myra Savant Harris' home made goat milk formula, and puppies have continued to grow.

After bottle feeding, Opal also took on the job of stimulating them and cleaning them up, which was a huge help.

Opal nursing her pups in spite of mastitis Jul 8. Puppy weights Jul 6, 2021:

Puppy weights Jul 11, 2021:

Blue (m) is the bruiser this week at almost 2 lbs. Pearl hung onto largest female spot for most of the week, but was finally surpassed by Pink. And lil Bronze 'Nubbin' boy is the smallest.

The puppy nest is changed at least daily, and they've each had at least one collar change, as well as a nail trim.

Opal has been a great first time mom - nurturing of her pups and easy going with all the various indignities and changes involved in looking after a litter. The first time I took pups to weigh them and they complained, she had to come over to check them out. But, soon got used to me handling all of them under her relaxed eye.

Starting yesterday, Day 6, Opal started offering to feed pups while sitting up. It's always amazing how quickly they get mobile and strong enough to support semi-upright nursing.

Pics of individual pups. Some of the tri colors are highly likely to become saddleback sables like Opal as they get older.

1) Pink (f) Tri color

2) Purple (f) Shaded sable

3) Red (m) Tri color

This boy, along with Pearl, were the most explorative during their photo shoots.

4) Pearl (f) Tri color

5) Peach (m) Tri color

6) Sable (f) Sable color with some shading

7) Diamond (f) Tri color

8) Bronze (m) Tri color - He is the smallest pup in the litter, and naturally has a 3/4 tail.

9) Blue (m) Tri color This chunk reminds me a LOT of his dam at this age - she was a laid back, fat sausage, lol

10) Silver (m) Either a saddleback sable or very dark shaded sable

We currently have 4 puppy spots left available. Anyone interested in reserving a spot for this litter, or being on our wait list for future litters, please contact us & fill out our application form.


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