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Swan Ridge
Boer Bucks - AI
Tor Au's Poundmaker

Poundmaker's semen has been sold to OC Flock Management.
- Aug 2020
DOB Mar 12, 2000, BW 10 lbs
Poundmaker was a Full blood Boer from South African lineage. He produced numerous champion animals across the country including the 2006 Supreme Champion Buck. It should be noted that his daughter, a full sister of Central Alberta Plato- Central Alberta Reena - was the Champion Doe as well as supreme champion boer exhibit at the Canadian Caprine Classic.
Tor-Au’s Poundmaker has proven his prodigy through his championship offspring. His kids are well muscled and have excellent conformation. Both the bucks and does have won multiple Championships in Western Canada. His offspring Central Alberta Roark went on to win the Canadian Grand Champion award in 2007.

Poundmaker Progeny:

Central Alberta Plato, DOB Feb 6, 2004
Picture credit- Sugarfield Farms

** Semen For Sale**
Aug 2020

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