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The True Shepherd

Sheep in pasture

I love my English Shepherds!

They are so sweet, smart, versatile... an amazing breed. But do you know the True Shepherd Who created them?

For years I didn't share my faith on here because it's a dog site, not a God site. But the reality is that I believe on Christ as I believe that the sun has risen, not only because He has made me see, but through Him, I see everything else. Christ is the one Who has given me new life, and is the One to Whom I give account for how I comport myself in this world. And, how can I not share what is so life changing? As outspoken atheist Penn Jillette says, "How much do you have to hate someone to NOT proselytize?"

So, I'm compelled to share the reason for the hope within me - although I will respectfully NEVER push these on anyone - they are here to freely enjoy or ignore as my readers so choose. 


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Are you a good person? You'll find out on this site!

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More than 308 MILLION people have viewed the Living Waters YouTube channel.
Experience some of what draws them to Living Waters on this playlist! 

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ICR scientists have spent more than 50 years researching scientific evidence, finding that - unlike we're taught elsewhere - it confirms the truths of the Bible.

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A Channel with Scientific and Historically Accurate Answers for Biblical Skeptics

On their YouTube channel, you’ll find answers to your most pressing questions about key issues like creation, evolution, science, the age of the earth, and social issues.


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J. Warner is a Dateline featured Cold-Case Detective who - as an atheist - forensically investigated Christianity. See what he discovered!

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Some of the topics they address are common misconceptions & objections made against the Bible, God, & Christianity. They demonstrate how historical, archaeological, scientific, & philosophical evidence all support what only the Christian worldview claims.


Living Waters produces many resources available on podcast as well as YouTube.

Start listening today!

"I wonder if you have ever heard a testimony like this:

'I gave my heart to Jesus when I was a child. Then I became involved in drugs, robbery, muggings, rape, murder, pornography, torture, gambling, money laundering, adultery, perjury, treason, extortion…and other things I’d rather not mention. I was filled with anger, hatred, and greed. But all the time I knew the Lord and gave my heart back to Him when I was forty years old.'

If you’ve heard something like that and said to yourself, “Something doesn’t sound quite right about that,” I trust that this teaching called “True and False Conversion” will shed light on that subject."

"Why do 80–90% of those making a decision for Christ fall away from the faith? What is the biblical principle that Spurgeon, Wesley, Whitefield, etc., used to reach the lost? Why has the Church neglected it? Don’t let anything stop you from listening to this incredible teaching."

More to Come!

Lord willing... :)

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Are you a Christian seeking to learn more? Here are a few resources I've found helpful. 

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Disclaimer: While I thoroughly enjoy and for the most part highly recommend these resources, I may not subscribe to ALL the views presented by various speakers. 

Christian Booklet
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