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Swan Ridge
Reference Nigerian Dwarf Bucks
Please click colored links to view more info on each goat.
Wonderland EB Kombu *SOLD*
Brown Eyes
DOB: Apr 3, 2018 100% ND flashy polled buckling from a set of quads - 2 does, 2 bucks.
Out of Wonderland Kimchi
by Camanna BA Elijah Blue
Dam, Kimchi, kidded in 2017 with quads at 13 months of age and fed them all to large size without fuss. She recently kidded for the second time, again with quads.
Kimchi is a lovely, long, angular doe who has placed very well in the show ring and is an easy keeper.
Both Kimchi & Elijah Blue have blue eyes, but Kombu's eyes are brown.
Elijah Blue is very consistent in the quality and consistency of style he throws in his kids.
Elijah Blue's dam, Camanna PC Cleopatra in Blue, has a lovely udder with high and wide rear attachments, a strong medial and easy to milk teats.

Kombu's parents,
Cammana BA Elijah Blue shown here with Wonderland Kimchi
Pictures courtesy of Wonderland Nigerians.

Kimchi 2nd freshener udder

Video of Caper & Kombu Jul 17, 2018

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