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Swan Ridge

Gampr Puppies!!
The Argos x Kohar litter Arrived on
Wednesday, Jan 19/22.
Kohar has sweetly allowed both my hubby & I to handle them.
This past autumn has shown what happens when I'm too sick to look after things myself.
Kohar came into heat in Nov and I was told about it while still unable to breathe well enough to handle the hill, so asked for her to be moved into her kennel run. Unfortunately, she was apparently transferred AFTER some unseen activity. So, although she was pulled and stayed out for a month...the deed had already been done.

UNplanned Breeding

The first we knew about it was when I took Gemma down there the evening of Jan 6th and they were playing. Kohar rolled over on her back and it became clear that we were expecting. It was so cold and due date wasn't certain, so it became an immediate concern to build an insulated, heated shelter for her. Hubby had LOTS of fun building at -35°... We were so hoping she would have them during the Chinook last week when it was +3... But she didn't. The morning they were born was -39°, so we were very glad for the heated area!!
Welcome to the world, 11 beautiful oops Argos x Kohar Gampr LGD babies! 4 females, 7 males.
Pups one day after birth
This is our first & last Gampr litter.
Please contact us if you're interested in one of our Gampr pups.

We have had several discussions with the Armenian Gampr Clubs over the past 8 months regarding the wisdom of breeding Kohar due to her mild HD. However, they told us that the shepherds in Armenia frequently pick pups up by a hind leg to inspect, and are not gentle depositing them on the ground, so they believe that there may be environmental causes.
As such they have encouraged us to do a preservation litter. However, we had decided to wait until a later date to decide if we were going to go through with that, since it's not an inexpensive endeavor, and is quite time intensive. Since we already had a litter of English Shepherds on the way when Kohar came into heat, I decided to pull her and wait for another time. BUT... apparently there were other plans afoot!
So, if you'd like to own a rare Armenian Gampr without the expense of importing from Armenia... Now's your chance!
Pics @ 7.5 wks old, Mar 12, 2022:

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