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Gemma Pups Weeks 4 & 5

Writer's picture: Sunnyside ESSunnyside ES

Updated: Jan 9, 2024

Puppies are 40 days old today! I can't believe how quickly time is passing.

Gemma has weaned her babies, but is still very interested in them. She has never attempted to stop them from nursing but we started feeding them, so naturally, the supply dropped. She has been an exceptional mama.

**with all videos, click on the underlined link, then click on the thumbnail to open fully**

An update on our parentage testing - we got notification that our swabs were received at the lab on Mon, Oct 23, 2023. So they took a long time to get there!

We've been told to expect a further 14 day wait before we hear results.

The 4 week old pups experienced their 2nd outdoor crate excursion on Oct 15, 2023.

Vid 1 was their first intro to the wire crate. Hawk demonstrated a long sit with perseverance in trying to make eye contact with me. Unfortunately, I missed his effort.

Vid 2 shows all the pups hearing and responding to their first exposure to a drill. Hitachi was amazing in his initial response.

A very short clip, in Vid 3 the pups had settled down to their new crate and we headed back to the house.

It's so cool to see the tri color brought forward

from paternal g-dam and maternal g-sire!

I started pups on mush and marker training Oct 16, at 29 days of age. I had misplaced my video camera several months ago and didn't end up finding it until this week, so only took a couple of short, informal marker training vids with my phone because it was very difficult to hold it and marker train at the same time. (See Hyacinth or Hitachi's individual descriptions below for a neat vid from Oct 24). However, I did take a phone clip of them in their pen getting feedback for using the potty box & sitting prior to marker training on Oct 17.And another short video of them just interacting with one another.

When I started marker training, pups were only getting fed once per day since they were still nursing, so I used that feeding period to train. However, once the pups were fully weaned, the frequency of feedings increased so we introduced them to the feed pans.

We added a water bowl to the puppy pen Oct 18. All the pups were introduced. Hyacinth showed a lot of curiosity and was intrigued for a protracted period of time - remarkable focus for one so young. While others dipped their noses to investigate, Hitachi was the first pup to figure out how to actually drink it.

The pups had always been removed from the room and crated every time I cleaned the puppy room up until Oct 21, when I introduced the vacuum while they were still in their pen.

(Suggestion to turn your sound down) They showed a lot of interest, and no fear. Even Hyacinth, who ended up just sitting down to watch (after having it right beside her with no reaction) has started to chase it, and has become one of the most playful towards it of all of the pups.

The pups got to have an hour outside in their crate for the third time on Oct 20. It was the last warm day before the temperatures plummeted to well below 0 with snow.

Sound desensitization is another thing we've worked on the past few days. Here's the one video I took after finding my camcorder.

I always start the first exposure to any new sound at a quieter level than once they're more used to it.

So far, the pups have had some intro to:

Door knocking - med volume - they looked around and then continued eating.

Car engines and horns - med volume - they pricked their ears at the first horn, but other than that, ignored it.

Dogs barking - Handsome looked up at the first bark, but otherwise they continued eating.

I started this one at a lower volume than the others given that it's their own language. Since I don't know what's being "said", I don't want pups to feel threatened by some vocalization. Once they're used to it, I'll increase the sound level.

Airplanes - med volume - this was ignored.

Door bell - lower volume - this was ignored.

Hair clipper - med volume - this was ignored.


The puppies are growing in leaps and bounds. Some have put on almost 2 lbs in the past week. While Hawk and Hero tied for chunkiest pup Oct 11, at 5 lbs 7 oz, Hitachi surpassed them all by Oct 23... but just barely! Hyacinth was still the lightest at 7 lbs 1 oz.

On Oct 27, 2023, I took the pups out to play in the snow and visit with Gemma (who, now that she has weaned them, is staying outside for part of each warmer day so that she has a chance to develop her coat for the winter.)

It was their first time on the ground, and their first snow.

I was amazed at how they boiled out of the crate with no hesitation and proceeded to have a grand old time with no concerns whatsoever with the snow, the broad expansion of their world, in meeting Copper, or anything else. Usually I have at least a couple of pups that are more hesitant to face the world on the ground for the first time - especially with snow. I'm REALLY pleased with these pups!

Gemma & some of the pups Oct 27, 2023

Gemma found it pretty exciting to have her pups with her in a space large enough to play in. She remained active and happy but quickly gentled down with a bit of coaching from me.

The only pup that did a bit of whining was Hawk. At first I thought maybe he was complaining about the snow being cold. But, he wasn't shivering or acting chilly, neither was he afraid; his tail was up & wagging the whole time, so I suspect that he was frustrated that mom wasn't stopping long enough for him to nurse, as he attempted that several times, unsuccessfully.

Puppies were tired when they got in from that huge adventure, but after a nap still found some energy to play with their new toy.

Pics & vids of individual pups.

**PLEASE NOTE: Any temperament / trait observations are still fluid at this age.**

Pups are now almost 6 weeks old. I just finished getting proper vids of everyone marker training with me (Day 39) and have spent hours (& hours) getting them uploaded.

1) Hawk (m, tri color)

Generally one of the calmest in the litter, but indicated the most dislike of being alone in a crate at the 21 day mark. He is, however, very relaxed about being brought out away from the litter to spend time with me. He was not at all phased by being placed on a rocking chair in the living room for his pictures at 3 weeks, and kept coming forward, tail wagging, for pets. He appears to be a pretty middle of the road pup overall.

Hawk is mildly verbal when he's frustrated - not enough to be annoying, but does do a bit of whining on occasion.

2) Hitachi (m, shaded sable, piebald)

Was a pretty middle of the road pup at 3 weeks of age. He was similar to Hawk except for less fussing in the crate. However, at almost 6 weeks of age, Hitachi is a very smart, confident pup, with a 'tackle the world' attitude. He's the only pup who demonstrated a bit of a Houdini (to get to his mom only), and loves to make eye contact with me.

Hitachi was the only pup to respond to the first time hearing a loud drill noise by moving towards the sound - tail up - at only 4 weeks of age! Of course, once he saw everyone abandoned him, he then joined them, but that wasn't his initial response.

He also can be seen recognizing his name and responding to my sentences appropriately - at 37 days old - towards the end of Hyacinth's informal marker training video. So very smart!!

In fact, when I mention something and he does it... he looks at me intently to ensure I've seen it and that he expects his reward. If I don't notice in a timely manner, he'll give a short woof of frustration to express that the 'King' hasn't received his just due. (All of the pups - except maybe Harmony - also occasionally attempt this... but Hitachi just takes the 'tude to another level) However, I do not acquiesce if he demands, lol.

I should mention that this boy LOVES him some luvvin'. He just leans into my hand when I stroke his head and ears. And, of note, he accepted my correction of him being too harsh with a sibling the other day without any sign of even thinking of challenging me. (some pups in some litters have taken exception to a correction and growled or attempted to nip me - any of which is quickly quashed early on so that they don't even consider it going forward.) But Hitachi just relaxed and was good with it.

I think this boy will be an amazing working dog when placed with a dog savvy leader. Otherwise, he'll be the boss and outsmart the average person.

Hitachi marker training Oct 26 at 39 days of age (edited to have the right link!)

3) Hero (m, shaded sable)

Another basically chill pup, Hero wasn't usually much disturbed by ENS or by being in a crate alone.

He quickly adapted to the new space, raising his tail with a slight wag, and willingly focused and worked with me without needing a lot of exploration first. He grabs his food off my hand like his grandpa, Laddie. He was one of the few who went up on the new obstacle from the side without me having to change positions.

4) Hyacinth (f, shaded sable, piebald)

At the 3 week blog Hyacinth was sometimes a bit less confident, but pups go through various developmental stages. She had her eyesight a couple of days before several of the others, so appears to be developing at a faster rate than some, which takes her through some fear stages first. At that time, she was realizing that the world is a much bigger place than she originally thought.

Hyacinth has matured a lot and is now the most confident of the two females.

Hyacinth's Oct 15th individual outdoor video is tacked onto the end of Part 2 of the 2nd outdoor excursion.

Hyacinth's informal marker training video (along with the peanut gallery) Oct 24

Hyacinth was one of the easiest pups to get to focus on me in the new room for the Oct 26 marker training video. She's a sweet pup. Although both she & Hitachi regularly vie for position in the pack, neither is the most submissive, nor the pack leader.

5) Harmony (f, shaded sable, piebald)

Harmony was the most chill pup during the DNA testing crate separation time, settling in quietly to sleep. Also the more chill of the 2 females with ENS (imo, partly due to being supplement bottle fed, so had more positive association with being held)

She is still the quietest, softest pup of the litter. There's no jockeying for position at meal time, she just quietly sits eating her food and moves if needed.

Harmony explored briefly, tail low - although not tucked - but was perfectly content to just stay near me and do the work for her marker training video Oct 26. Harmony marker training Oct 26 at 39 days old

I expected that she might be cowed when I took her outside Oct 27, but instead she was off to the races!

6) Handsome (m, light shaded sable)

Was the most reactive at first to ENS / being held, but has since become a friendly, waggy boy. He had a tiny sample of some of his dam's canned meat from my finger around the 18 day mark, and decided being held was well worth it! lol (Another great example of this maturation is his 39 day Marker Training Video, below)

When I carry him now, his whole body is completely relaxed, even his big feet just flop :)

He is the lightest boy, but has the broadest head, so can appear bigger than his brothers.

He was so fun to train in the Oct 26 video! Very focused, biddable, and waggy to the max.


We currently have 3 puppy spots left available.

One spot MAY be a female depending on temperament testing.

Anyone interested in reserving a spot for this litter, or being on our wait list for future litters (we must have enough interest before we'll deliberately breed again), please contact us & fill out our application form.


Blue Smoke

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