It being winter here, the pups have been inside their entire lives. That changed today. It was a balmy 13* :) So we took them on a calf sled ride in a crate down to the barnyard to let them experience the sounds and smells (without the nasty muck & puddles to which they would otherwise have been exposed.)

They didn't appear to find it overwhelming, most of the trip was quiet with pups just observing their surroundings with interest. Misty came with us, and they would cry if she was too near their crate for too long- Mom near usually means dinner, so they tend to vocalize their expectation in her presence :)

This was the only picture I took of them in the doe pasture. I *thought* I was taking a video, but apparently bumped the button more than once, lol :p Hence the almost out of frame pups. I did take another video of the excursion in the buck pasture, however, so all is not lost! Video

After several hours outside- because... once down at the barn, there's ALWAYS things to do, lol... the pups were tuckered and calmly curled up for a nap in their crate.