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King x Misty Litter - 5 wk Puppy pics & Video links

These pups are starting to be a going concern; their individual dogalities are beginning to appear :) Most of them are using the potty pan fairly regularly now, although there a still a few accidents. Not bad for 5 weeks! They're almost through a 3 day round of routine deworming, their vet visit is booked for the 18th of November, and I've started some pre-training with them (although there are no vids of that as yet). Pictures- scroll over the photo to see arrows to view other pictures.

Blue (m):

Peach (m):

Gold (m):

Pink (f):

Green (f):

Silver (f):

Red (f):


Individual video clips here (click the colored link) *Keeping in mind, they are JUST starting to develop into who they will be* Blue - is a confident, happy, playful, curious, social boy. We took video of him b/c it was easier to show his dogality that way (but will upload later). Left on the floor, he's a blur for pics. Although a higher energy boy than most of our others, he is NOT one of our Houdinis.

Gold - is a calm pup, social, with some playfulness but a bit softer and more laid back than Blue. Gold has a natural sit. Unless things change, I'll be looking for a breeder or co-owner home for this guy.

Peach - is a cutie with a bit of sass. He doesn't always like new situations and will express that, but usually warms up pretty quickly and becomes playful. He has a natural sit.

Green - At this point in time, she's a soft, sweet girl who likes to snuggle up. She's not one of my Houdini explorers, generally content to stay where she's placed. She's a gentle soul with a natural sit. Update- she has started to become an explorer, joining some of the others in escaping.

Red - is an interesting mixture. She is my main instigator for escapes. She is not content if left somewhere she doesn't want to be. Very smart, she's quick to figure out how to climb up or go around a barricade & likes to investigate on her own timing. At this point in time, she does not appreciate being picked up, but will wag and come over with the other pups when on the floor.

Silver -Silver at 5 weeks is a female version of Blue. She's a bit calmer than him, but playful, as will be seen in her video. I lost my helpers this evening (they're both sick & went to bed early) so no one to hold her means most of my pics of her didn't turn out because she was busy investigating. Pink - At this point in time, she is softer than Silver but more investigative and outgoing than Green. She's a sweet pup who likes to follow her humans.

3 of the 7 puppy spots are spoken for. Please feel free to contact us for more info if you're interested in a puppy. Our puppy application form is here.


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