Misty & King's puppies are 4 weeks old today! Raised in our kitchen, they are continuously exposed to the sounds of everyday household life. These cuties are waddling around, eyes and ears open, responding to and coming over to us when we enter their pen. More info on our dogs can be found on our main site and our facebook page (click underlined words for links). Finally got a video of the pups Oct 28 :) 4 weeks old. The towel was damp with puppy urine, so was used to attract the pups to the potty area. Once they got used to it, I rolled up the edges of the towel to get them out of the way. However, I keep it under the pellets to prevent them from slipping around on the plastic, thus keeping puppy footing sure and non slip. Picture below shows potty area with towel rolled up, but still has a small, smelly cloth as a continued attractant.

Picture of Misty with pups was taken Oct 17. The other photos were taken Oct 27, 2016.
From L to R moving from top to bottom: Misty with pups, Green (F) with Silver (F) behind, Green Gold (M), Gold, Blue (M) Blue (M), Peach (M), Peach (M) Pink (F), Pink, Pink Red (F), Red, Red
Silver (F), Silver, Silver