Yesterday we had a cool afternoon, having warmed up to about -6 after a sunny morning.
I took the pups outside, where they met Monty (one of our male ES), and Jazz (a female ES) for the first time, as well as Midnight, our b/w kitten.
I was too busy monitoring the introductions to take pictures with the pups.
The pups thought that Monty was pretty exciting. And Monty did pretty well for never having seen these little critters before. He was quite friendly until they tried to nurse him, then there was a low growl and a jump to escape the mob, lol.
Jazz was NOT at all impressed with these interlopers either, who also tried to nurse on her, so she, too, growled then kept her distance after a quick sniff. However, the pups were unperturbed and continued on their merry path of discovery. Midnight thought they might be kinda fun to play with, but quickly decided that 4 on 1 was not good odds, although he did come pouncing back for a second round.
We then proceeded down to the barnyard, where the pups got to be free amongst the entire flock of chickens and ducks, then were introduced to our buck herd (1 two year old, the remainder 6 months of age). I took a video of the various interactions. Sorry for those who suffer from motion sickness- trying to keep track of 4 pups and their various activities while they swirl around one's feet does NOT a smooth motion picture make...! However, if you can stand it and hold out to the end, Blue showed some very nice instinct at the end. :)