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Pups in their new homes & References

Green, now Fern, doing well in her new home, 8 weeks of age.

According to her owner, "Fern is doing awesome in her new life in town. She has met our grandsons - one a baby (complete with fussy crying) and an active 2 year old. Nothing in the house or the "town noises" outside seem to faze her at all. Daytime crate/potty training going very well - night is still a work in progress haha! And I should add that she's only had 2 nights in crate so far, and last night was already a lot better. Very clever little pup . :) " -KM "For anyone considering one of these pups:We are very happy with our pup ('green', now Fern). She is healthy, well socialized and her temperament traits are very much what Nicky stated. I am confident that the interaction and testing done with this litter has given us a very good idea of the kind of adult dog we will end up with. We haven't had such a young puppy for many years and I have also really appreciated Nicky's knowledgable and cheerful support since Fern has been home." -KM


Gold, now Taz, living the sweet life on an acreage with kids, another dog to play with, and lots of activities to participate in :)

Jan 15 Pupdate: "Taz is doing real well now (with house training). After the first week we took away the litter box and as soon as we did that he was good. You should see him now. He is turning brown. He looks great and is a extremely well mannered dog. Could not be happier." - SM (Taz is a seal color, so the brown only shows up under certain lighting.) Here are a couple of new pics- due to the type of light you can't see the brown.

"Taz had his 4 month check up today. He is doing great weighs 33lb. Going to be a big boy I think... He is awesome." -SM Jan 26, 2017


Pink, now Kass. Her owner says, "We are really enjoying Kass... She seems to love playing in the snow when we go out for our walks. I took her out in the dark this a.m. but when it turned daylight and I was getting ready D. took her out to do chores and meet some of the other animals. I cannot believe how much our old male cat seems to just love her. We really did not expect this kind of a reaction from him at all... Her and our housecat Boots are very good buddies. We catch them playing quite a lot together.... D. weighed her on the scale with him yesterday (13 wks) and I think she weighs 21-22 lbs. When she went for her 11 week shot the vet said she weighed about 17 lbs... Any way we will keep in touch." :)


Peach, now Cooley: Dec 6, 2016 "The eBook came today and we downloaded it. Thank you for all the information. Our daughter has been reading it and is eager to try out some tips. Cooley is a sweet heart and he will not leave her side! He is even "protecting her". She was sitting by his kennel and my son came into the room making a funny sound. Cooley jumped up into her lap and barked at him! Lol! He's getting along with the other dogs very well, is enjoying the kittens and even the sheep! Right now he is sitting beside Prairie in the living room chewing on a old bone. Very content!! I've attached a photo from this afternoon "school time". Dec 16, "Cooley is doing really well and will not leave Prairie's side! He is doing very good at crate and house training and loves to be outside in the barnyard at chore time! He had his vet visit on Friday and he is growing really well! Everyone has fallen in love with him! I'll attach a few photos for you!" (click arrows to scroll through pictures)

Jan 20, 2017 "Cooley is doing awesome. He wasn't hard to house train at all. The first night he cried a fair but, I think because everything was so new, but he is quiet all night now. P. is with him all day and she quickly picked up on his hints he gave when he had to go pee etc.. So I think we maybe only had two or three accidents in the house. He gives a fair warning whenever he has to go out. He is good with manners too. Again P. spends so much time with him and so he doesn't get away with to much! When he sees me he will come running up to me and promptly sits at my feet. He knows I won't pet him until he sits, then I love him up and tell him good boy and to go back to P., or go find P. and he goes back to her and finds her. He loves to be out in the barnyard with all the critters and he is also getting into barking when the other dogs bark and strangers come around. He is doing very very well."


Red, now Lucy - "Just wanted to let you know reds doing great still don't have a name for her yet. Loves my kids and is so gentle with them. So surprised. I'll try to get some pictures later today." "Lovely dogs there so well socialized. Lucy (Red) had no problems with our sheep and poultry. Lol makes having a young puppy on the farm so enjoyable."

Lucy (Red) shown here near "her" baby the same day she arrived at her new home :) Love!

Jan 11, 2017

"Lucy has started her job of helping in the duck house already. I was moving the ducks into the chicken coop. I would herd them from there yard into their house then catch a few in the house and move them over a few at a time. Unfortunately they kept sneaking out the door while I was inside. Lucy was watching and tried to come in the building. I told her out and she waited at the door and kept the ducks in the building while I caught and moved them. So surprised that she was so eager to help out at such a young age. I can't wait for this spring when she can help move my ducks to different pens and pastures, and to help with the sheep and goats. She even helped me this morning with the chickens. I had the door open while I fed and watered and she kept all the chickens in the coop. Usually I'm running after at least one chicken to get back in the coop. ( I like to leave the door open for some fresh air )

Love this dog. Thank you so much for such a smart puppy."


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